TX--Some of the document, no problem but the below I am questioning. It was told that if the employee does not sign (was given this document on Saturday so could not even consult an attorney) by Monday they will be out of a job. Sometimes the work is no fault of the technician but rather equipment was not provided correctly or once the technician comes opens up the there are a can of worms so to speak. Any assitance.
#4 the cost of time, repairing or replacing any company supplies, materials, equipment, money or other property that I may damage, lose, fail to return or take without appropriate authorization from the company during my exmployment. I understand no such deduction will take my pay below minimum wage or if I am a salaried exempt emplyee, redue my salary vbelow its predermined amount.
# 6 says the cost for paid time for mistakes made by me that results inhaving to re-do work.
#7 administrative fees in connections with court-ordered garnishments or legally-required wage attachments of my pay, limited in extent to the amount or amounts allowed under applicable laws.
#4 the cost of time, repairing or replacing any company supplies, materials, equipment, money or other property that I may damage, lose, fail to return or take without appropriate authorization from the company during my exmployment. I understand no such deduction will take my pay below minimum wage or if I am a salaried exempt emplyee, redue my salary vbelow its predermined amount.
# 6 says the cost for paid time for mistakes made by me that results inhaving to re-do work.
#7 administrative fees in connections with court-ordered garnishments or legally-required wage attachments of my pay, limited in extent to the amount or amounts allowed under applicable laws.