Great, many thanks again.
Please clarify: If someone other than parents/legal guardian gifted cash to a minor then the parents/legal guardian can manage that gift (by putting in bank account on the minor's name, or by keeping it as cash), for the minor, until he/she becomes a major, and then give that to the minor who is now major
First, gift taxes and gift tax returns only apply to the giver. What someone does with the money after it has been gifted to them is irrelevant as far as the person giving the gift is concerned.
What I understood is: if a major receives a gift money, that major can do anything, at any time, with that gift money. Please let me know if what I understood above is incorrect.
Finally, if a major accumulated some money in cash by putting in his/her safe box from the gifts he/she received (or in his/her bank account, from the gifted money received several years ago as checks), is he/she obligated to keep or produce any proof (such as giving the donor's names, etc) for that money if asked by IRS or some government/law enforcement agency?