New Jersey. Hi all. Long time no post. We had a period of very strong wind gusts today here in NJ. A huge gust cause a large upper limb to come down taking two other large but smaller branches with it. The tree is 30+ feet tall and just on our side of the property line. 98% of the debris is now on the property of the adjacent homeowner. Thank goodness no other damage other than debris.
A Police officer responded to the scene [as there were some light debris in the road], and proceeded to tell me that it my responsibility to deal with all the debris as it is my tree. Having had this issue way back in the past [same state different property] I felt confident asking where he learned that info and that it was wrong. He then said to call my insurance company and they will pay for it. Again….wrong.
I returned home to find a politely worded letter from the affected homeowner in the doorway. I contacted her and politely informed her of the erroneous info. She let me know that her insurance company told her it was my problem and that they would not pay for removal [which I believed from the start that would be the case]. She also let me know that the responding officer assured her that it was my responsibility.
I might be willing to contribute some time and chain saw work to cut it up, but not do the heavy removal lifting. Or perhaps just contribute no more than 100.00 for cleanup.
Would doing so would open me up to any liability?
I do not want to contact my HO ins. Co., nor even provide that info. Am I required to do so?
If can come to an agreement with them as suggested above what should I include in a release?
Thank you for your time and attention.
Oh.....I would like to speak to the Police Chief about his officers giving incorrect advice.....or should I let that part go.
A Police officer responded to the scene [as there were some light debris in the road], and proceeded to tell me that it my responsibility to deal with all the debris as it is my tree. Having had this issue way back in the past [same state different property] I felt confident asking where he learned that info and that it was wrong. He then said to call my insurance company and they will pay for it. Again….wrong.
I returned home to find a politely worded letter from the affected homeowner in the doorway. I contacted her and politely informed her of the erroneous info. She let me know that her insurance company told her it was my problem and that they would not pay for removal [which I believed from the start that would be the case]. She also let me know that the responding officer assured her that it was my responsibility.
I might be willing to contribute some time and chain saw work to cut it up, but not do the heavy removal lifting. Or perhaps just contribute no more than 100.00 for cleanup.
Would doing so would open me up to any liability?
I do not want to contact my HO ins. Co., nor even provide that info. Am I required to do so?
If can come to an agreement with them as suggested above what should I include in a release?
Thank you for your time and attention.
Oh.....I would like to speak to the Police Chief about his officers giving incorrect advice.....or should I let that part go.