Middle District, FL. Pro Se. This is a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy case, but have a trial scheduled on Motion to Show Cause for violating the automatic stay. The deadline to supply exhibits was one week before trial, or this past Tuesday. Yesterday, I received exhibits from opposing counsel. What would be the proper course of action? Do I need to officially oppose the exhibits with the court today?
Well that makes good sense . . . doh? First you put the creditor to the burden and considerable expense of explaining to the court any justification it has for its alleged violation of the Section 362 Automatic Stay Order. And if not, suffer such sanctions as may be imposed by the court.
Now you want to want to tie its hands by preventing it from effectively responding to your motion. And all because you foolishly believe that the creditor was materially tardy in complying with the pre-hearing discovery/exhibits order?
Are you so naïve as to believe that the court will exclude those proposed exhibits, impose sanctions and thus deny the creditor due process of law on your feeble argument of untimeliness?
If any justice were to be served here it would be in the form of the court ordering you to pay the responding creditor's attorney fees! Plus, being properly berated for wasting the judge's daylight.