That's fine, but the law doesn't agree with you.As far as I’m concerned, if someone takes something that belongs to me without my permission, they STOLE it.
Unlikely. An element of pretty much every larceny statute I've ever read is that the person taking the property intends to deprive the true owner of possession permanently.If I take her keys off the kitchen table and drive her car out for a few hours without permission is that stealing or not?
In your example, you have effectively stolen the gas you used. You've also put some amount of wear and tear on the car. When your roommate took the mail, she didn't deprive you of anything. When you got the mail at 6:00, you got exactly what you would have gotten if you had gotten the mail X hours earlier.Please tell me its not so I can use her car and save myself some gas money.
After all, it’s a ‘shared’ household.
In my prior response I asked you some questions: At what time did you see her take the mail? What difference did the delay between X:00, when you otherwise would have gotten the mail, and "after 6pm," when you actually got it, make? I assume you ignored these questions because the answer to the last one is that it made no difference. Right?
You certainly are free to do that. Please come back to this thread and tell us how it goes.The next time I see her do it I'll just call the police and see what they have to say.