The tenant should "not" have a dog. No dog deposit on file and from what I recall from the original lease agreement, it states no dogs, like all my leases. But that doesn't mean the tenant didn't eventually get a dog without any notification to the PM.
Yes, If I can't get anything started through the call center, I will escalate to management.
I did get a copy of the police report from the "clients" arrest. She pawned a video game system, tv and a gun then reported to the police that her ex-boyfriend stole them. When the police found the items still at the pawnshop, they called her in and booked her. She was doing the pawning, the same day as the alleged dog bite. Then, her son, (the minor) went missing a few weeks later. He was found 2 days later. IMO, this is one of those people that has two ways to get rich. Win the lottery or sue people.
Seams, not right, if a tenant has a dog, and is not supposed to, and there's a bite, the homeowner pays. So, if there is a stolen car at the house, does the homeowner get charged with grand theft auto?
Thanks for all the feedback. I'll be calling my insurance first thing Monday morning...