Well, page 3 of
Publication 523 is referencing, I believe the capital gains exclusion of the sale of your home that you have lived in for the past 2 out of 5 years. For my Mother-in-Law that would be a $250k exclusion, the problem is that I failed to mention is the home has a basis of about $50k plus about $100k for renovations and is worth about $1.3 million. She would get clobbered in that situation. and doesn't have the cash. However, she is 93 years old so the thought was, as the property is still not ready to be rented and my wife and the Trustee are tired of the process of getting it renovated, then sell it as an investment property at a slight discount to someone that wants to finish the job and use the 1031 to purchase a like property that is turnkey and ready to rent. The only missing piece of the puzzle is that it has not been rented out yet for 2 weeks. That is what I am trying to determine if her situation allows an exclusion in this stated situation. I do realize that I need a third party to handle the 1031 tax exchange. Another reason for this is in the state of Californi if you are her age you can transfer the County tax base of the subject property to the next property in the upleg of the 1031 exchange....plus as she will pass away eventually the property will be reasessed at the current market value of the date of her death, be sold at that price and eleiminate any Capital Gains Tax for the Benificiaries. I think it probably would be best to call an IRS Agent and clarification from them. I just thought someone on the forum may have run across this situation in the past as I always have to wait for a very long time to talk to an IRS Agent.