jkoenig05, I'm actually on your side on this. I commend you for wanting to do your own thing, be responsible as you state. However, unfortunately, the CS that your dad pays goes directly to your mother. It can not go directly to you. That's just how it is.....
This brings up a situation my friend had. Her son moved out of the house, same basic reasons as you stated, controlling mother, and moved in with a family friend. Anyhow, after some serious soul searching, the father and mother both decided to just give the child the money directly, for expenses. This situation is not something that the courts will mandate, but the parents decided together that this was the best for their child. The child used the money for his school expenses, clothes, food and graduated with a 3.8 in high school.
Maybe if mom doesn't depend on the money financially, she and dad can try to come up with an agreement. If your parents can't communicate together, then you're out of luck...
"I'm not a lawyer, just a friend"