effy_2012 said:
lets just say that he hasn't seen television for 2 months.....and hasn't even used a phone to talk unless it is to a parent.... he has been talking to other kids in his school that have had the same charge at the same school what they received and they have received just 6 months of drug classes and 20 hours community service, and a fine.....will he most likely receive the same punishment as the other kids?????
Yes, he will probably face a similar punishment ... provided the other kids also were caught at school as well.
The more involvement the parent has in the discipline or rehabilitation of the child, the more likely the court is going to be to cut the child a break. If the court thinks the child is getting off lightly, they are more likely to come down hard. That's why I asked about the punishment.
If he has simly been restricted from the phone and TV, yet still kicks it with his pals and has a PS2, computer, stereo, and pals that come over to "kick it", then the court may not be as lenient as if he is truly being punished.
Also, keep in mind that you CAN search your child and his room. Make it a habit - and make sure he KNOWS you will do it. If more parents searched their kids and their belongings - and read their binders and notebooks from time to time - many of the problems today would be stopped dead in their tracks. And, it gives the kid a good excuse to walk the straight and narrow with his pals ... "Nah, I can't hold your stuff - my dad is always poking through my room!"
I still remember the time my oldest son told me to get out of HIS room!
He never made THAT mistake again!
Good luck.
- Carl