Under the Radar Member
This sort of thing is always interesting to me. I have two teens (15 & 17). They got their first cell (shared) when they were ~10 & 12 due to extracurriculars. Sexting was already in the news then. It's been widely reported on over the past two years. As what I try to consider a responsible parent, I've talked to my two about sexting - and the consequences - repeatedly over the past five years. That YES, they could end up convicted of a felony. That YES, they could end up having to register as sex offenders. It *astounds* me that other parents do not do this.You are telling me stuff I already know as if I didn't. I do feel that it was a stupid hormonal teenager act. It wasn't done to hurt anyone or offend anyone. I waited until 3 months ago to allow her to even have a cell phone with the parental controls no less but that did not prevent anything. She does not have internet access unless it is supervised. And while under my roof, her and her boyfriend were not permitted to be alone. We have done everything we are suppose to do as parents to protect and control our children. But at some point you have to allow them to live and make mistakes. Granted this is not one I wanted her to have to learn. I find it sad that the boy's mother did not feel she could come to me about this instead of turning over to the police (she intercepted the email before the son got it). They have been together for 5 months and we have socialized with the family. Unfortunately my daughter was smart enough to erase the pictures he sent of himself but stupid enough to send stuff to him. So I'm sorry if you feel that I snapped at you for your comments.
And ya know what? If someone sent my son nude photos? I'd likely be calling the cops as well - NOT trying to talk to the parents. My kid having her nude photos on his phone causes him to have legal problems - I wouldn't be talking with you. Not even if.