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24 hour advance sick day??

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state? VA

My daughter works for a business that has mentally challenged, etc. people as residents. Very hard work and low pay. Their policy states the employee has to give 24 hour notice to have sick time marked as scheduled. If they do not, it is marked as unscheduled and after 6 times in 6 months of unscheduled, they can be terminated. My daughter woke up in the night vomiting and could not go to work - counted as unscheduled. She has 4 children, one of them woke up at night vomiting and she had to stay home with him (as a mother should) - counted as unscheduled. Management said it is a daycare problem when you can't take your kid to a sitter when they are sick - we call it being a parent.

Another time, 15 minutes late due to bad weather (she left earlier than usual to compensate and got behind a slow driver - her supervisor was behind her) - unscheduled lateness.

Does this seem like it can be legal? How do you know 24 hours ahead of time that you will be sick. Doctor's notes can't erase the unscheduled either.


I'm a Northern Girl
Either you posted this on another forum earlier today, or someone else posted the exact same question.

The answer has not changed since I responded to it four or five hours ago. While I agree that the policy does not make sense, there are no laws being violated.

A doctor's note has no force in law unless FMLA is involved.


Hard Work - Low Pay - Outrageous Company Policies & Rules
If you're sick, you're sick!!!!! I'd be looking for a different job. Doesn't sound like she'd be out much. My place of employment issues each new hire an Employee Hanbook that explains the companies rules & policies. At the end of the book is a form that has to be signed stating that I've read & understand the rules put in place by the company. If I don't follow the rules, (whether I agree or not) they reserve the right to send my ass out the door. If she knew the rules going in & chose to work for them, they could probably let her go if she's in violation of policy.


Senior Member
It makes perfect sense to me, you are allowed 6 non scheduled events in any 6 month period. if you notify them 24 hours ahead of time, you are not counted as unscheduled.

Obviously, no one can know ahead of time that they will be sick, hence they give you 6 days every 6 months. You can tell (usually) if you have a doctor's appt. or other event, so those can be scheduled ahead of time, no counting against you. You have a child who is sick one day and you know he will be sick for several days. Report it, one incidence.

Sorry, that seems pretty fair to me. That is 12 sick days a year. More than most employers would allow.

As for the hard work and low pay. Now that would have me looking for another job.


Senior Member
Very tough

and also very in demand.

12 days per year is not so bad, but the job market for caregivers is good.

Tough it out, get the experience, and find a private client to work for.


Senior Member
24 hour notice means that they allow employees to use sick time for scheduled doctor visits etc, instead of vacation time. I have worked at a lot of different companies over the past few years and 6 unscheduled absences in 6 months doesn't sound unreasonable. They just want to prevent people abusing the sick time policy and calling out too many fridays/mondays etc.

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