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7 year "squatter" has become unwelcome, need help evicting

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state? PA

Hi there,
I'm writing on behalf of my mother, who has "dated" and lived with this retarded deadbeat for about 7 years now. She invited this "man" in to live with her after 6 months of knowing him, with promises of gold and diamonds, and it ended up more like deep pockets and short arms when it comes to anything. She'll call me crying about how he refuses to pay bills, she takes care of the mortgage, most of the utilities, all she asks is that he pay taxes (on the house I'm assuming) and he can't even do that. He's also run up a large Dick's credit card bill and she lent him money for a car when they first met that he's never paid back, eats her food and takes her out once a week for a $5-$10 meal and thinks that that justifies it, etc. The twist is this: the man purportedly makes almost 70k/yr doing a "skilled trade" never lets her see his paychecks, and dumps most of his money into his 401k, so she never sees a dime. She's screamed bloody murder at him nearly every weekend since he's been around to leave, and he never does. He says that if he leaves she'll lose her house, and if someone is that selfish to begin with, obviously they don't care if someone else keeps their house. I personally think he's just dumping money into his 401k and wanted to find (I love my mother but she's very gullible at times) some lady to take him in so he wouldn't have to spend any money so he can retire and cash in that 401k and then leave her in the dust. He hasn't given her anything up to this point, is verbally abusive at times, has a large collection of guns which comes up under quite a few arguements as a "solution" if you know what I mean, et cetera. This idiot has been her for 7 full years now and his "rent" amounts to maybe $300/month. You could not even rent a studio apartment around here for that, let alone 2 garages to store painting equipment, a boat, guns, etc. Sorry for being so long-winded, I'm just very passionate about giving this loser his comeuppance. What can be done to get this joke out of the house after being in it for 7 years? Oh, and no they're not "married" or whatever in any way shape or form, his name is NOT on the mortgage and there is no contract for rent or anything. Any help would be much appreciated.

Your mom is being used by this guy. The secret nature of his finances is suspect and would cause me to believe he may have some sort of substance use problems. He does just enough to placate her but keeps her in just enough state of anxiety to prevent her from thinking with her head versus her emotions. She needs a real person in her life, not someone who is selfish and is actually hurting her. Get her to dump the deadbeat...asap. It is past due.


Junior Member
Yes, but what legal measures can be taken to evict this guy? Because it is going to take something legal to get him out. For one I think he may be crazy enough to actually shoot her, me, whoever gets involved, so, but until he actually does anything or threatens someone directly, the police will say they can't do anything. And he is a sleazy enough person that he knows exactly what boundaries he can get to, to be intimidating yet not have her able to do anything legally. I've heard him mention once on the phone actually, mention something about child support, but that could've just been him knowing I was listening and playing mind games, he's very.... childish and brainless. He admits he likes getting to people and will do things like wait until you get in the shower and turn on the washer, etc, he's a piece of garbage all around that thinks that "earning power" entitles him to say and do whatever he wants. I'm beyond my wits on this, and I'm really sick of getting calls from my mother about what he does, and I'm pretty sure she's reaching her breaking point and I don't want her to do something stupid and then go to prison or something over this piece of trash.


Evict that husband!

She (as his LL) can send him a notice to vacate via certified mail RRR for non-payment of rents. The deadbeat is technically on a month to month lease, (even though he doesn't pay a dime) and must be evicted just like any other tenant would be.

Mom needs to give him an until the end of the next full rental period to vacate the premises, or he'll have something to fight with if you go to court. She should also state in the letter that anything belonging to him that remains on the premises after December 1st will be sold in an attempt to recoup rents owed, or stored at a rate of $1,000.00/month. This should get him out in one big hurry.

For example, if she sent the letter today, he would have until December 1st to be gone, since the next full rental period would be the November. If he hasn't left by that point, call the local or state police (depending on how rural you are) and have him removed as a trespasser.

One item of note - you mentioned that they were not married, but that he'd lived there for 7 years. Sorry to burst your bubble, but that pretty much makes them common law husband and wife. This might complicate the process.

In any event, I hope she gets rid of him soon.
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Junior Member
yeah that's why i mentioned the 7 year thing, because I somehow picked up somewhere along the way that 7 years = common law marriage.


Senior Member
In order to be considered common law, they had to have presented themselves to the world as a married couple. Have they done that? Do peole (family, friends, neighbors, business associates, banks, etc) think that they are married?


My bad.

In order to be considered common law, they had to have presented themselves to the world as a married couple. Have they done that? Do peole (family, friends, neighbors, business associates, banks, etc) think that they are married?
D'OH! Forgot you have to WANT to be considered husband and wife to be common law.


Senior Member
D'OH! Forgot you have to WANT to be considered husband and wife to be common law.
Wow, danno. I was talking to the OP. She was the last person to make a comment. I was letting her know, since her post did NOT mention ANYTHING about how they present themselves, that if they have not been presenting themselves as married, then that is not a concern that her mother should have. Did I say something wrong?

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