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A Poem

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Custody Battle

I find myself wondering about the simple things,
Like why the sky is blue, or how the bird sings
I look for my mommy and she is not there.
I go to ask my daddy and he seems not to care.

Another thing that I wonder is why my daddies gone.
Doesn't he know that I am not that strong
I love my mommy and daddy why do they have to fight?
I got put in the middle with no future hope in sight.

They went to court today and the battle did not end
The Judge has no clue as to where he will begin.
But don't they understand I want them both right here
Why do they fight so much when I am standing near?

I heard the word hate today and I thought they hated me.
God please take me to the place where I can remain free
If mommy and daddy can't get along, how am I to deal.
Without these precious moments, they tend to steal.

I cry myself to sleep at night, I feel it's all my fault.
When all I needed from them was everything they taught.
Now I know how to fight, and how to really hate
When that is all I hear from them, it's anger they create.

I hope that one day when I have kids, all I show them is Love
Not the anger from mommy and daddy, and how push comes to shove.

When the Judge ask me what I want, This will be my Reply
"I want my family once again,to never tell a lie.
I want the love that they once shared, to filter into me,
I want them to understand, it's both of them I want to see,

I want the fighting to stop, and love begin again.
I want the custody battle over, I want it all to end".

Lisa Parker


Senior Member
Thank you for your wonderful prose.

Your plight reminds me somewhat of the song Sad Lisa by Cat Stevens.
My children and I are always talking about feelings and emotions. I love to write poetry and so does my daughter. She is twelve and the only one of my children that I am having to fight for. I have tried so many times to come to an agreement with her father and he is always refusing them but yet he will say that I know you want to be with your mom. My daughter has asked us so many times to please come to an agreement and all we ever come to is an argument. I know how hard it has to be on her. I, like her wish her father and I could get along at least long enough to end all this bickering. God Bless us all that are going thru what seems like total emotional turmoil but especially all of our beautiful children.

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