joysgirl2 said:
What information did I leave out? I thought I had been very specific in stating the facts that were relayed to me. No, my niece did not return to work the next day, would you? If you consider me to be uncooperative to your assistance I guess that would be understandable considering that you believe it is Minor to be punched by another person.
How I regard the seriousness of the incident involving your niece really has nothing to do with whether your post is clear or provides the information necessary to give you advice. Yes, I would have returned to work the next day or at least called my employer to notify him and explain why I wasn't there. I would do that because my employer requires notice of an intended absence. You haven't indicated what your niece's employer requires. You also still haven't indicated why you niece can't return to work, who told her she couldn't, or whether her employer has indicated that she has been terminated.
Harassment - oral, written, verbal or physical - violates federal and most state law if it is based on a prohibited factor. The prohibited factors are race, sex, religion, national origin, color, age, and disability. The state of Florida has added marital status. As I indicated earlier, nothing in your niece's situation indicates that she was hit because of any of those factors. Assault is a criminal offense usually under the jurisdiction of local police authorities, not a state's labor department.
FYI: The Florida Department of Labor and Unemployment Security was abolished a few years ago.