Mommyof 4, that is your opinion...Maybe I am over reacting...but maybe I feel things differently than you do...What I post is my opinion..That is all. People can take it or leave it. I know in my heart the truth and I have an understanding for certain people. I just wish there were more people that would stand up for what they believe in...
You do not know my situation hands on. You are not walking in my shoes, therefore you must not understand why I might be over reacting.
I know that where my kids attend school that they are treated unfairly. Why is my kid not allowed to use the restroom, but the higher class student can? My kids have come home in pain because they were not allowed to urinate all day...Now one of them have medical problems..I got a note and they tried to say it only counted one semester..But I found out that it counted the whole school year...but I would have got another note if I needed to. My child had permission from the teacher to use the bathroom and the principal walking by told her to get back in the class room at the same time two other students were allowed to use the bathroom.
...and that is just one thing I am over reacting about. Some people may agree with me and some may not. but those that don't agree just don't understand.
and according to Hummusluvr it is not a "blog" it is a "Legal Forum"