What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Washington State. My brothers' ex is a piece of work. It is truly sad to see woman abuse the court system when there are people out there that need protection. This girl has been in the court system since her ex-husband, she went through the system for divorce, along with that came the Protection Order for DV. Then gets together with my brother and when they have an argument at the drop of a hat calls the police on him (police do nothing because no crime was committed), then turns around and gets a restraining order on him. Gets the Protection Order dropped on her ex and is with him for month or two. Drops my brothers restraining order gets back together with my brother and here we go again! Another restraining order, she has totally lied in the restraining order paperwork. He was moving out, the police were called out 3 times (no crime is commited), and once the day after still no crime is commited. Now she fears for herself and children. She is a nutcase. Went to the courthouse to get all the reports of her filing and dropping restraining orders. Pulled up cell phone records, she called my brother 18 times in 12 minutes and even more than that in the last month that one isn't even the best run. She says she just wants her and her kids not to be in fear and be at peace. WHAT! Than quit calling my brother day and night every minute of the day. I am going to court with him bringing all of this, will a judge even look at this stuff?? Like I said this is truly sad that people can waste the time of the police and the court system like this and hope we can prove a pattern! So the next guy she is with will not suffer the same.