The boys parents are divorced and neither has any money. They do not even get birthday or christmas gifts. I've known this boy for a couple of years because he is quite smitten with my daughter who can and will testify to the fact that he is a complete gentleman and has never pressured her for anything. In fact neither of them has taken that route with there lives. I'm concerned that his father, who is Mexican does not know exactly what he needs to do to protect his son. I know that many young girls accuse boys of things that are untrue. He has been told that there are witnesses but given names. How can someone wait a whole year to accuse someone of something where it will be hard to say exactly where you were on a certain day? Supposedly this young girl says that she was consentual but evidentally that doesn't matter. The fact remains that he did not do it at all and he doesn't even know his sisters friends. This has hit him out of no where. They were trying to get him to take a polygraph this coming Thursday. I have got his father to tell them that he will not take this. Are you sure he won't look guilty if he doesn't take it? If he does and passes, would they drop this matter then? Can he ask for the girl to take a polygraph as well????