I don't get it. Was this storage unit part of some crime? Or did the renter of the unit commit a crime and is in jail because of it? Why would the police put their own lock on the unit and tell everyone to stay out of it? That's just silly. If it's a crime scene, sure, the cops might tape it off for a bit while they do whatever needs to be done to document the scene but they aren't going to keep the unit locked up indefinitely. The storage facility is going to get first crack at auctioning off the unit unless the renter pays up the rent for the unit before the auction. They certainly won't be handing over the unit to someone who is not on the contract just because the renter owes that person a debt. The storage facility will not care at all about whatever you've got going on against the renter and you will have no rights to the contents of said unit. It's not in your name. Even if a ton of the stuff in the unit belongs to you, you won't be entitled to retrieve any of it. You were the one who stupidly put your things in a storage unit you didn't rent. As far as the facility is concerned, everything in the unit belongs to the person who rented it from them. So good luck with whatever you think you have going on here. I doubt it'll turn out in your favor in the end. By the way, even if you DO pay the rent on the unit current, you won't be getting into the unit unless you have a key to it. The facility won't let you in. Only the person who rented it from them can do that.