Who said it was urgent to get it done now? I know I never said it was urgent and wasn't important before this point. There is an old saying about those who assume.
I've been off and on trying to find a solution. Also, I am a single mom who fledu a domestic violent situation with a bag of clothes and my car, nothing else. I had to start a whole new life with no family support, no money, no job, moving from one friend to another friends. While I got a job, found a place to live, and in the meantime being a mother.
So for these past few years I have neither had the means to do anything nor known what to do? But I'm sure you knew that like you seem to know everything else.
FYI: Your ability To be so passive agressive, your arrogant manner, your lack of Empathy, while continuously attempting to do a good deed by helping me is INTERESTING TO ME!