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Another pothole problem (FL)

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? FL

My landlord refuses to fix potholes on my driveway (shared with 3 other tenants who drive crappy cars and therefore don't care), stating that the potholes "keep people from speeding" through the area. No one speeds down the driveway, and it should be noted that when the landlord herself lived in one of these apartments, the roads were kept in working order. Now that she no longer lives there, they are a disaster.

I just bought a brand new car which is lower than the truck I used to drive, so the potholes are a big problem. I have hit the bottom of my car (stock height, btw, I have not lowered the car at all) several times now, and there is NO WAY to avoid the potholes. Why?

Because my landlord has put GIANT ROCKS and railroad ties on either side of them, basically forcing me to damage my vehicle. I can not imagine that I have no recourse here. Someone please help!


Junior Member
Anyone have an opinion on this? What are my options, if any? Isn't a landlord required to keep a road in driveable condition when I pay my rent money on time every month? The fact that she puts up road blocks so I can't avoid the potholes (and therefore, can't avoid damaging my car) is the main point I would like some feedback on.

Thanks in advance.


Senior Member
Send him a letter via certified mail with return receipt requested asking him to fix the driveway or you will be suing him for the cost to repair your car. Take lots of pictures of the driveway. Give him 30 days. If it's still not fixed by then, you now have all the evidence you need should your car get damaged and you have to take him to court. Tell him that he can install SAFE speed bumps if he wants to prevent people from speeding.

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