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Behaving badley can bite you in the butt.

UNPROVOKED Attacking and belittling of others is a child like mentality. Acting as an immature out of control child, should be punished. If your child behaved in this manner you would discipline them, right?

If SANDRA FRIEDMAN of BUCKS COUNTY (Aricci's court mediator) operating out of Dr. Strochaks office in DOYLESTOWN, was aware of your rude conduct, would feel she made a mistake.

I hope your children aren't learning your behavior. Having failed in your marriage. I believe you feel a strong inadequacy which leads you to put down others so you feel somewhat good about yourself. This is just a temporary state of depression. Perhaps the meaningless job as a BEAN COUNTER (accountant) contributes to these feelings?

But, I believe the strongest bitterness is deep rooted. This is why you portray your life to be wonderful, yet in reality it's disfunctional. This stems from your pregnancy at 16 years old by a 20 y/o black man who was eventually sent to prison for 3 years for selling drugs. There's so much more to this story I'm going to copy your post into this forum.

Hopefully, you can get some serious psychological help to deal with your anger over a failed and troubled life.

The net is a powerful tool of information that can be E-mailed or faxed at a fingertip. I would re-evaluate what's importaint to you before making any further enemies or unprovoked attacks. You wouldn't want someone with a vendetta digging into your true identity and contacting your X. Just food for thought.
:eek: :confused:

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1st post by Aricci


Registered: Aug 2002
Location: In a house
Posts: 416
father not involved in adoption.
What is the name of your state? Pa
Adopting parents are in Illinois.
I am totally new to the "Adoption board" but i have a question for a friend.

My friend was 16 when she gave birth to a little boy. When she was 17 and the child was 7 mo's old the child was given up for adoption.

The father never signed any of the papers....only the mother signed. In fact, she never even told the father she was pregnant.

The child is doing really well and she keeps in contact with the parents by email and gets pictures and updates.

What could possible happen if the father found out?

**So many men... so few who can afford me.**


2nd post


Registered: Aug 2002
Location: In a house
Posts: 416
So he could come back even though the child has just turned 9? and ask for visitation? The baby was 7 mo's old when she found a good family for the child.

The adoption was done through an attorney/church.

She knew where the father was, but never told him, or ANYONE for that matter. She just didn't want him to know she was pregnant with HIS baby for the safety of the child. (the father was a serious drug dealer he was 20 she was 16---and very naive.)
She is now married to the man that claimed to be the father in high school. (while she was pregnant) HOWEVER, word has now gotten out to the father that this is his child. The bio-father is black, she is white, and her boyfriend/now husband that was claiming the child is white.
A disgruntled friend in a bar told the bio-fathers sister about the child.
I think she is just worried that he might try to do something since the whole break-up with him and her was very ugly. This man is not a very good person at all. Since the time she has been with him he spent 3 yrs in prison for a drug charges.

**So many men... so few who can afford me.**


3rd Post by Aricci


Registered: Aug 2002
Location: In a house
Posts: 416

She doesn't really "hang" with the sister.
However, an ex- friend is the one that told the sister about a two weeks ago.

I think she is just scared...that's all.

I just hope he doesn't ruin this childs life--that's all.

**So many men... so few who can afford me.**



Registered: Aug 2002
Location: In a house
Posts: 416
"would just tell your friend to be extremely cautious because IF the man she is married to now claimed to be dad and he wasn't that could result in some paternity fraud issues!"

Her (now)husband is not listed anywhere as the father. From what I understand, she put "unknown" on the birth certificate. I think he just claimed the child as his, so no one at school would tell the bio-father.

**So many men... so few who can afford me.**



Registered: Aug 2002
Location: In a house
Posts: 416
to tell you the truth I don't even know how her adoption went through?

**So many men... so few who can afford me.**


Friend huh? too coincidental = Pleeeez


Registered: Aug 2002
Location: In a house
Posts: 416
"who knows. I have my own personal opinion of this situation but legality wise this person and the dad and whoever signed as dad have pretty much caused some damage now and someone is going to find out and someone will need to either make it go away or confess to the child that he has a birth father out there looking for him."

No one signed as dad from what I understand. I think it says unknown on the birth certificate. Nothing has happened as of right now. It's been I think 9 yrs since the child was adopted.
I really don't even think the father is looking for him. I think my friend was just worried that he might find out...and if he did what he might do.

**So many men... so few who can afford me.**
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Tell the truth for once. YES is the answere


Registered: Aug 2002
Location: In a house
Posts: 416
since I received an email recently about this thread I thought I might update those of you wondering if in fact I am talking about myself in this thread.

The answer is NO. Yes it may sound "ironic" that we both gave our children up for adoption at 16...and that we are friends. But we did meet in an adoption support group.

I hope this clears up any confusion some of you may have.


**So many men... so few who can afford me.**


rolls her eyes...

do you feel better now moron?

Normally I'd ignore someone like you but since you are so WAY off...I think I should really set you straight.

First I posted this message to the adoption board...what it is doing here I have no idea.

Second, I do not PROVOKE people...half the time I am here I am defending myself against ridiculous posts like this.

Third, where do you come up with my disfunctional marriage.?..and why on God's green earth do you think Sandra Friedman would care? My court case is over...my child is perfectly fine...and my ex and I have a great relationship!!!

hmmmm...I wonder why your hiding? You wanna talk about finding out someone's personal business?...you've stepped on the wrong toes. You don't need to tell me how easy it is to find out about someones personal business...I did it for a living.

Furthermore, my marriage with my husband now is great-- not perfect--but no complaints--(other than he keeps shrinking my laundry) No need to pretend... no we aren't living in "Bradyville" but we have a normal marriage...or as normal as it can be, I suppose.

Fax her...Fax him...fax em all...tough guy/girl. In fact I'm going to tell my ex to come here and reply to this post himself.... I'm sure he'd get a kick out of it too!!! I love my ex like a brother. Yeah, we fight, but we get along for the sake of our gorgeous child.

My relationship was NOT with a black man (not that---that would matter what color he was)...and the child I GAVE UP FOR ADOPTION was for a reason. It was so I didn't end up like losers like yourself. And so my child didn't have to grow up with a 17yr old mother with only a high school education!!! Sorry that I wanted a better life for him and for myself.

I said it before and I'll say it again. These are two seperate stories. I met my friend Jenn in an adoption support group...of course these stories happened around the same time...that is why we were in the support group together.
But to tell you the truth, I don't really care what you think. If you want to go on your merry way thinking it was me..then so be it.

So what if our lives were reversed and I was in her shoes? Who cares? So then I would be like her...and for the safety of her child...and well being of her child gave him up for adoption. And? What seems to be the problem? I admire this girl. So if you want to go placing me as her...then thank you for the compliment!!

Bean counter? Get a life...right now I am working with mergers, and aquisitions. I'll let you know when I take up bean counting. Have fun in the unemployment line.

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Senior Member
Okay aricci, no I am not time2play....this person was a member back in May 2002 before I even hated you, so why are you accusing me of being this person? I am not a martial arts instructor I am not 6' and weigh 240lbs so get off your highhorse and stop accusing me of ****!


Martial Arts???

Thanks for shedding some light on the subject...I see now what you are saying.
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Senior Member
What do you mean WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!

I just responded to an email from you that is WHAT?!?!?!?! WOuld you like me to post it so I can refresh your memory?


Why do you hate me? Just curious because HATE is such an ugly word. How can you hate someone you don't even know?


Senior Member
hate is just a word aricci. a word from an anonymous poster on the internet who doesn't like your persona on here. You may be a very kind and wonderful person in real life just like me....but on this forum i hate you.
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