Hello, I recently received a job offer from Company 1 who has a contract to provide I.T. services for Company 2. The job was for Field Technician. I agreed to the background checks (2) and to be fingerprinted at a place assigned by Company 1. As far as the background check I did disclose a 12 year old conviction for dwi even though the background check was classified as going back 10 years by Company 1's letter. After nearly three weeks of what was supposed to be 3 - 5 days for results Company 1 informed me they were rescinding the job offer due to something on the background check. I received a copy of the report via email by the company that did the check. The only negative item was a pending case at my local city court for misdemeanor assault 1. Yes, I was obviously aware of the pending case but I never disclosed it because I had no idea that 1. it would come up in the report and 2. it is not a conviction! Two days after Company 1 notified me of their action I went to court on said case for Trial at which time it was dismissed without prejudice. I already knew the outcome before going by way of evidence. I contacted Company 1 to ask if they would reinstate the job offer in light of this new information. After a couple of days HR Company 1 contacted me to tell me they could not reinstate the offer because the original background check failed the qualifying rules under FINRA because of the pending case but she would not or could not provide me the actual rule or statute or number of anything. She stated they must follow what rules that Company 2 deems because they are contracted by them. Sorry so long but my question is : Is this legal? Can they really hold what was a pending case yet to be adjudicated based on a company I would not even be an employee of and then be so vague in telling me exactly what rule I "failed" in the check?? Company 2 is a financial services company and I get they have special rules to abide by but the charge the pending case was about had nothing to do with anything financial. Thank you in advance for any advice you can provide on this. Happy Holidays!