I plan on "responding" ... albeit Pro Se (as I still cannot find legal representation), but in essence, I AM being forced out because what mortgage can I get with a bankruptcy?! A bankruptcy that SHE caused by refusing to held responsible for her half of our joint debt (which she could because it was in "my" name and our marriage was not recognized). Certainly not one I can afford, if I could get one at all. And, as I had indicated earlier, we had just taken out all the equity in the house to pay off her unsecured debt just five weeks before she left, so there IS no equity in the house. As a side note, "we" had three other properties in HER name that were acquired during the marriage. She still has those, and she wants the home I live in too to Once Again pay off her debts. She came to the relationship without a stick of furniture and a significant amount of debt at high interest. I had a full household and perfect credit. This IS a horror story.
I am asking for guidance ... where can I go to find help? Legal help.
If she were a man, this never could have happened (and she couldn't have gotten "married" again in another state without it being a crime).