When I was 20 (7 years ago) I was involved in a criminal trial, I used a Public Defender to represent me. After I was found guilty I was ordered to pay around 2500 dollars in retribution, lawyer fees, etc. All normal, until he read off over 5000 dollars in dues. They were attributed to actions the lawyer took, included blowing up 28 checks into giant lottery style checks in order to display the signature to the jury, for around 3000 dollars (In my mind 12 magnifying glasses for the jury and a white board to indicate where to look would of been fine.) The rest of the dues were attributed to flying out a lawyer buddy of my Public Defender to read of some laws and assure the jury that according to the account holders statement indicating I had authorization to sign, and our plan to repay the funds (lack of intent) means I shouldn't be criminally liable. Either way, to me these two expenditures are extremely inappropriate, he could of made the case himself instead of having a random buddy come testify as an expert witness. Its been a long time now, but Im being sued by the collections agency for not paying these funds that the judge did not order. What can I do? Is it too late to fight this all the way? When I tried to appeal my case I was charged with a felony and told to drop it and they will drop the charges. What can I do? (State South Dakota)