saw the document she claimes proves no easement. It showes I own the land instead of a easement. (it was later changed back to an easement) I was told that she is reapplying for a fence permit to block my easement. The city will grant it with the statement that she is not to block easements. She was told this last time and built a fence any way, this is still in litigation costing the people involved well over $8,000 already and she has called the police 8 or 10 times in the last couple of weeks. Mostly for people being on their own yards or driveways. The police have told us that if we take down a fence we will be charged with destruction of property because it cost her to put it up even if no damage is dome to the materials. The city states that once the permit is issued they are done and if she did not comply it is up to the homeowners to go to circut court. Is there a letter or something that will help t put her ion notice to not conssruct fence or just wait and fight in court like the other people have been forced to do. By the way she built a fence on her neighbors land at her residence recently and now he is told to go to court. She has been really good for the att/ in my area!