--Originally posted by CA. Landlady--
A landlord DOES NOT have a duty to mitigate damages until AFTER a person breaches the contract which in this case would be after the resident moved so there is NO standing or good argument that will hold water with respect to what the landlord was attempting to rent the premises for before the resident moved out. (Yes there is, the fact is is that the landlord, according to civil code is required to make a good faith effort to mitigate the damages, by rerenting the unit. He did not do so by attempting to get a higher rent, above and beyond what he would've gotten if I had completed the length of the contract)
A resident who breaches a contract will not receive credit should the landlord procure a new customer who pays more. (Yes, I would, due to the fact that I am only responsible for actual damages, you cannot charge a person if you do not actually experience the damages, which he would not, if he was getting an extra $100 a month over the remaining period)
I would be VERY surprised if a court in CA. would view the landlord acted in bad faith even though he was remiss in sending out the deposit disposition on or before 21 days. (The bad faith and the deposit disposition have nothing to do with one another aside from the fact that they involve the same people) Especially, since the resident BREACHED THE CONTRACT. I realize that's what the statute reads with deposit issues but in real life it just doesn't fly. The landlord will likely have the sympathy of the court. Besides, what was the post mark date of the letter/disposition envelope? (December 27, 2002)
You should be happy the landlord found a new customer and pay him the balance of rent due which I believe you said is $400 or so dollars. Then, ask the landlord if he will give you a positive rental reference in the future. (No need, I'm friends with the manager and he will give me a positive rental reference, besides the fact that my next move is to a house)I suggest you think about it and your future needs !!!!!--
Lastly, in regards to the comment that was following your first comment. I've requested information before on this website and find people who say to give up all rights to appease the landlord totally useless. I am not going to give up my rights and what I am allowed to appease the manager so he'll be fair in the future. That's just stupid, I'm sorry, maybe I'm naive, but I feel that I should stand up for my rights, regardless of the damage that it MAY cause me.