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Calif,how do they decide where to send prisoners

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calif,my son was arrested aug 10,2000,he's going to be tried as an adult,he just turned 18 in oct,2000,he's being charged with kidnapping,assault,false imprisonment,our lawyer got the kidnapping dropped before,but at his new arrainement,the DA put it back on,we feel we'll get it dropped again,,the juvenile judge set bail at a million dollars and that has'nt changed,,we will go to trial,,it's coming down to her word againest his,,my son has never been in trouble before,and this is his first time being locked up,,,I have 2 questions,,,if he gets sentenced what would he get? ALSO, where would they send him? We live by BARSTOW,CALIF.



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by debbiethomas:
calif,my son was arrested aug 10,2000,he's going to be tried as an adult,he just turned 18 in oct,2000,he's being charged with kidnapping,assault,false imprisonment,our lawyer got the kidnapping dropped before,but at his new arrainement,the DA put it back on,we feel we'll get it dropped again,,the juvenile judge set bail at a million dollars and that has'nt changed,,we will go to trial,,it's coming down to her word againest his,,my son has never been in trouble before,and this is his first time being locked up,,,I have 2 questions,,,if he gets sentenced what would he get? ALSO, where would they send him? We live by BARSTOW,CALIF.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I amnot 100% positive about the way that CA processes the inmates,but as a ex TX prison guard I can tell you how most prisons decide where to send inmates. (or offenders as they now call them)

When a person is convicted of a felony crime and sentenced to state prison they are taken through what we here refer to as Reception. The inmate is tested for any medical, physcological disorders. Also taken into consideration is IQ and highest grade completed.

Once the testing has been completed, they will decide which unit willbest suit the inmates needs. Such as if he is convicted of violent crimes and is sentenced to long term incareration he will end up in a med-max security unit. If he has been tested and has psychological problems he will be sent to a Psych unit.

Also taken into consideration is the age of the inmate and previous arrest and prison records.

Most state try to keep first time offenders away from recidivists.

For instancce: If this is your sons first offense and he is given a sentence of 15 yrs. He will be sent to a Min-Med security unit. They will not put him in with the more serious offenders such as murderers and rapists that have been in and out of the system. There of course is the exception to this rule also. Like the reason I could no longer *deal with* working at a prison. There was a 16 yr old boy that was put in the unit I worked which has been called by *Time Magazine* as the Toughest Prison in the US. This young man was sentenced as an adult and had a 99 yr sentence. He was put in a Max Security prison that the average age of the inmates were 35-40 and were recidivists.

Now for your other question posted about Rape in Prisons:
I am sorry to say that yes it does happen. There is only so much one guard can do when you have 135-200 inmates per cell block/dorm that you are responsible for supervising. the inmates have all the time in the world to take note of which officers do not walk the runs regularly, and which ones do. Also you have officers that just dont care and are there to get their time in and get that paycheck at the end of the month. I do not have any ideas or suggestions as to how this can be improved unless there is mass hiring of officers to have the manpower to supervise and prevent these things from happening.

I hope this will help you out some, and I wish luck in what you are dealing with.



X reposted

[This message has been edited by LadyBlu (edited November 03, 2000).]


I would also like to add that one way to help your son deal with prison and to help keep him physically safe would be to keep to himself, worry about #1, enroll in all the educational programs that he can, get involved with the prison ministry program, and work whatever job they can put him into.
The reasons for this is that the less amount of time he has to spend on the cellblock/dorm, the lesser the chances of anything happening to him. The work squads and education depts are assigned X amount of officers and there are less inmates to keep track of so it makes supervising the activities in these areas easier.

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