I live in California and recently my father passed away. I have a two part question regarding Medi-Cal and his estate. While my father was alive he was trying to get a settlement from the VA for an injury he got while serving in the Navy back in the 50's. During his last part of life he was in and out of the hospital and in very ill health. After his death on April 20th and going through his mail, I discovered that he had received a settlement deposit from the VA in his bank account on March 21st. As mentioned my father had been very ill and was not keeping track of his accounts or opening his mail. Furthermore, the VA never sent him an award letter notifying him that he had won his case. My questions are as follows, since he was unaware of this settlement and passed away roughly 30 days after receiving the funds, am I legally responsible to report this to Medi-Cal? My father also had Medicare and was never in a nursing home nor did he receive long term care. My second question is that since my father had an estate valued under $150,000.00 and we are avoiding probate, should I be concerned about Medi-Cal Estate Recovery?
Thank you
Thank you