How convenient that after your initial post was criticized, you "remembered" that your daughter was sitting on the porch with her sister and your two year old son waiting for grandma to pick them up, and that her sister grabbed your son and ran into the house to get the grandfather when the attack child was sitting on the porch with her sister and my two year old son waiting for there grandma to pick them up.the girl walk onto my porch and punch my daughter in the face. my child said it happend so fast that the only thing she could do was to protect herself. my other daughter grab my son and ran into the house to get her grandfather.
Initially, you said that the girl came over to your house with her friends to fight your daughter. Then you said that they were walking down the street and the girl went over to your house to attack her. You need to write your story down so you won't have to rely on your very faulty memory.
And if you write "my child" again, I may be sick.
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