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Can creditors touch Social Security Disability check?

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What is the name of your state? New Jersey

Can creditors take me to court and have a judge garnish monies from my monthly Social Security Disability check? (Disability-not SSI)
Can they take my personal possessions?
Maximum I owe is about $3000 to three different creditors...

I have a mental disability and got some credit cards - used them and never paid the bills - my disability causes me to make irrational decisions.

I was mentally disabled before, during and after use of the credit cards, as I am still...

And, the creditors keep calling saying they will take me to court and that a NJ judge will garnish monies from my Social Security Disability check - my only income.

Thank you very much.


No. See below Hope this helps:

B.**Income and Property Protected from Debt Collection

State and federal exemption laws that exclude certain types of property or income from seizure by creditors are a fundamental safeguard for the protection of low-income consumers. The following is a list of income sources which are protected in most cases. This income cannot be taken to pay a debt except to pay taxes or court ordered child support or alimony, or a fine or restitution in a criminal case.

* Unemployment Compensation G.L. c. 151A, § 36
* Worker's Compensation G.L. c. 152, § 47 (This income is subject in certain circumstances to claims for reimbursement by the Veteran's Administration and the Department of Public Welfare.)
* Veteran's Benefits (both state and federal) 38 U.S.C., § 3100 & G.L. c. 224, § 16
* Pensions, Retirement Funds, IRA's, etc. G.L. c. 235, § 34A
* Public Employees' Pensions G.L. c. 32, §§ 19, 41
* Railroad Retirement 45 U.S.C., § 231m
* OASDI, SSDI (Social Security) 42 U.S.C., § 407
* SSI (Supplemental Security Income) G.L. c. 235, § 34
* Public Assistance (Any government benefit to the poor) G.L. c. 235, § 34
* Welfare Benefits (Any benefit given by the Mass Dept. of Public Welfare) G.L. c. 118, § 10
mpac1365 said:
my disability causes me to make irrational decisions.
And yet, you'd scream bloody murder if you were denied a loan based on this, wouldn't you?

Why not just pay your creditors back? According to previous posts you made, you're collecting on debts other people owe you and have even considered suing, so you ought to understand how your creditor feels... yet you don't. Where's the disconnect? At what point, where does it not click that the money you owe your creditors is theirs, just as much as the money you're collecting from your debtor is yours?

Let's even put this another way - suppose the guy that owed you money was on here, griping about how some money-grubbing jerk (you) was threatening to sue, and if he had any recourse. What would your advice be?


S**** You...

To dougthegeek:

Hey, I came on here for legal advice - not to be chastised.

YOU DO NOT KNOW my situation.

AND, Whatever posts I have previously made - you are assuming are connected with what I am asking about now. The fact is - the last post you read was posted by me for a friend.

So, JUST give ADVICE and SHUT UP or don't give advice at all.

We do not want AND did not ask for your PERSONAL opinion.
Last edited:


Must be nice

Please, please tell me what it is like being pefect Mr. Christ. (dougthepee)

Please, please tell me what it is like NOT being disabled...

You are clueless.

I, being mentally disabled, pity you.

Go Fornicate Yourself.
I couldn't tell you what being perfect is like. I can, however, tell you what paying off your debts is like - no banks ever call you, no companies hassle you for a payment, you can walk in to an auto dealership and know you'll be able to score a loan with the lowest interest rate.


Because you've shown that you're honest. You've shown that you're good for it. You've shown that you're a person of integrity, because you make your obligations a priority, instead of an inconvenience.

I suppose that when you applied for the outstanding loan in question that you supplied your creditor with the information that "Well, I'm disabled and am prone to making VERY VERY irrational judgements, and probably won't pay this back, so make sure you take that into consideration". What? You didn't? Why's that? Did you feel entitled to the money? Did you just "gotta have it", and figured the creditor would just "eat it"? Is the money now yours, through some kind of mystical voodoo?

Take a look at this:
It is estimated that bankruptcies cost each American household $400 per year in the form of higher prices for goods and services. Bankruptcies also restrict access to credit for lower- and middle-income families.

Guess what? That's $400 dollars that you're assigning to ME, because YOU choose to stiff your creditor. You folks keep insisting that it's your life, and your poor choices, and blah blah blah, without even considering how the REST of us shoulder your irresponsibility.


I Apologize Doug

Oh Doug - I am so sorry - I really had no idea how perfect you really are until reading all of your posts.

I should not have told you to go fornicate yourself.

I need to buld a church. Wow. I am really amazed that you are in my presence, spouting your wisdom.





Dog, you mentioned integrity.

What do YOU know about it?

SOO, you pay your bills.

Dog, walk a mile in my shoes, a 1/2 mile, a yard...you aren't man enough to have the life that disabled people endure every day.

Again, with every comment you make - I honestly pity you.

Stop patting yourself on the back and go feed some homeless people.

Oh no - you're the type to say that those people should get a job.
mpac1365 said:
Dog, you mentioned integrity.

What do YOU know about it?
I'm honest. I pay my bills. To you, it's just giving other people money, because you're a dimwit. In actuality, it's a contract. A binding agreement. Your promise of fulfilling an agreement. Your character, right on the dotted line.

Refusing to pay is basically saying "No, you can't hold me accountable for my own actions. I refuse to uphold my end of the deal". What does that make you? A liar at best.

mpac1365 said:
Dog, walk a mile in my shoes, a 1/2 mile, a yard...you aren't man enough to have the life that disabled people endure every day.
Aren't I? What do you know about me? Weren't you the one whining about not assuming? Maybe I do have a problem, and maybe I don't - one thing's for sure, is that either way, I'm not going to play it as a "get out of jail free" card. Part of the whole mystical integrity and honesty thing is owning up to what you do and who you are. Then again, I can't imagine you understand that :rolleyes: .

mpac1365 said:
Stop patting yourself on the back and go feed some homeless people.
I already am, involuntarily, with my taxes.

mpac1365 said:
Oh no - you're the type to say that those people should get a job.
Yep. Imagine that, I actually think people should earn what they get! Whoops, that's the whole integrity thing coming back here, so I won't bother trying to explain such a foreign concept to you.

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