Under the Radar Member
I wouldn't count on it. Not if she's anything like my two. Has nothing to do with my or their father's sexuality (both are hetero), but with their sense of fair play and justice. Who one loves is really no one else's business. And all three of us are politically conservative.I am the grandpa, I could see my granddaughters if I would "suck up" to my x-daugher-in-law.
I am not an accepting and tolerant person that liberals like. Lawyers like to write new laws that are more tolerant, that people like better and these new laws get the lawyers reelected. Homosexuals have been crammed down our throat for the last 30 years, more so as time goes on. A ***** is a ***** and I have NO time for them.
I may see the younger one someday, the one who has downs, I may never see. I accept that. There are standards worth dying for, compromise is not something I will not do in this situation.
However, I have had at least one gay family member. I remember my elderly grandmother saying "His mother has accepted him. It isn't my place to reject him."
Frankly, I see you and your wife growing old alone and lonely. That's sad.