Before my investigator was looking into it, and while he was on the case, I was doing my own investigating. And it seemed like either the exchange was hacked or it was an inside job. And it wasn't until 2 months of me looking into it and mailing/emailing them that their legal team got back to me and told me what happened to me. That it was the form that was used. The reason why I mention it is because that part of my investigation shows what it looked like before I learned about that form. And it shows how it appears to anyone who was victimized like this. I even went to the form and entered my investigator's email address into it. I did this before telling him about what I learned (about the form). He was sent an official email and he fell for it too. He thought it was someone from that exchange emailing him on his PD email address, one that he never even gave to the exchange. He was surprised that they were able to do that. But it was just a dangerous website form that did not validate anything.