I did a search on your last posts and went through one page (25 threads). Several threads had more than one post from you, thus there were more than 25 posts. I did this because I don't like jumping to conclusions about anyone quickly and I try to think as objectively as possible. I'm sure you probably won't agree that I am successful at that, but I try.
No, I did not investigate Bayouboi66. Maybe you're right, maybe I should have. However, I had already come across your last posts before I noticed his post. So this had little to do with my opinion in my post. I did not make my post in terms of trying to take his side.
QUOTE: I get sick of people playing games on this site and distracting us from people with real problems.
I'm new to this forum, but have had experience in other forums and newsgroups. I know how you feel about these kind of people because I feel the same. These kind of people, trolls, can be a pain. And it's tempting to lash out at them. But I'm telling you, it only makes it worse. If you want to get rid of them, ignore them. If you've never tried it, please at least try it a couple of times because you'll be amazed how well it works. It's too bad this site doesn't have an "ignore" button (unless I don't know about it yet). If you feel you *know* a post is phony, I suggest trying to ignore it.
As far as feeling attacked, it was not my intention for anyone to feel that way - I tried to be light hearted about it. I'm sorry I did not succeed. I came here without knowing who is respected and who was not. So I took everything I read at face value without any subjectivity as others would have who have spent time here. Maybe veterans here see things with that subjectivity. But if I read your posts and they came off that way to me - as a more objective newcomer - is it possible other newbees are thinking the same thing?
QUOTE: "You may not agree with my methods.." I agree with your goal of getting certain troublemakers to take a hike (you may see me as one - don't worry, I've already decided to leave this forum after this conversation). I just know that your methods make things worse. I also believe that there were many cases where no one meant any harm with their question, and you unfairly attacked them.
If you feel I attacked folks on this forum without knowing all of the facts, feel free to educate me. I'll listen. I've already conceded that I didn't investigate Bayouboi66. And, yes, I didn't realize that you were, according to Goddess Vicky, "well respected".
Just so you know, I was not taking any opinion by my post as to whether the original poster was going by numerous aliases. You probably were right as far as I know. My comment was directed at arguing over the spelling of "Mississippi" which seemed to be a waste of time and quite trivial. I was hoping you all might chuckle a bit from my post and take a subtle hint.
Note that I removed my original post aimed at you.