Here are two links, to New York’s Education Code and to Section 3205 of the Code:
New York has considered several bills in the past that would have raised the statewide mandatory age for school attendance from 16 to 17 but these bills have not had much support. New York has some school districts that
have raised the dropout age to 17 - but these districts for the most part reported little difference in their overall dropout rates.
Some students just will not do the work required for, or do not see the value in, a high school degree ... until they are older.
I remained friends with two people from my high school who dropped out of school early. One got a job as a car mechanic after he left. He enjoyed (and still enjoys) the work, and he has made a comfortable life for himself. He’s a great mechanic. The other one vegetated at his parents’ house for awhile, bounced from one minimum wage job to another and, after several years, he decided to get a GED. He then went to college, and he is now a social worker.
They both did what was right for them at the time, and it worked out - but I would hazard a guess and say that many dropout outcomes are not as good.