Google has generated 2 who said the court will not go against this person
Bull puckey.
While the attorneys you spoke to may refuse to mount a case against the dealership, that is very different than stating (and as you posted it, it is not suggesting the possibility but an outright statement) the courts will act illegally simply due to who the other party was.
Cannot believe we sought advice from a bunch of single-minded ... Enjoy yourselves. Bye
Take off the blinders dear. The aren't becoming of a claimed recipient of a PhD.
Can we move beyond the fact that the babysitter was female?
who said the babysitter is female? Maybe there are few more things about hubby you don't know.
Yet we never went to a dealer, never signed anything or even saw a loan application, never had the car, did not know the amount or conditions of the loan until the bank has started sending us statements.
Google: electronic signature
that is only one possibility. Others; HE went to the dealership and you are not aware of it. Babysitter brought paperwork to hubby (yours) and returned it to dealership.
Also, the lawyer recommends having possession granted by the civil court and taking over the loan and car. Would be really great if we could avoid this.
If hubby us co-owner of the car, he has rights of possession without even going to court. Gee, and you paid how much for your advice?
He can make all the payments he wants on the loan without changing anything. In fact, the bank would like him to do that.
Would be really great if we could avoid this
Why? You want to sue the dealership yet you wouldn't want to go to court to obtain complete ownership of the vehicle? Is there a reason? Especially given the fact he could sell the vehicle and get out of a good portion of the debt by doing this, why would you not want to claim total ownership?
and the dealership argues that we "showed intent to buy".
apparently the dealership also had enough evidence to convince the police of this as well. Gee, I wonder what that evidence could have been.