I recently filed chapter 7 bankruptcy (Mailed 12/20/18; Recieved by them 12/21/2018) .
Prior to my decision to actually file the petition.
My husband had a seizure totaled his car, is unable to drive and work for 6 months (11/28/18). Same week (12/2/18). I recieved a summons regarding a trial against me from a collection agency that purchased my debt from the original creditor (scheduled for 12/17/18).
I've never been to court before and had no idea how to help myself and I am representing myself because I'm broke. I looked for options to resolve the court issue.
During my search for help and options. I looked into every option but I was only seeking advice. Many sources advised me to take a credit counseling class to get advice and view my options. I registered on 12/2/18. And took the course on 12/4/2018. It was extremely insightful regarding my income and expenses. And, options for me right now.
I even spoke to a lawyer briefly regarding what bankruptcy entails on 12/3/2018. I was quoted $2,000 and had to agree to an account to get the advice. I never signed the agreement and I told the lawyer I was not sure if I was filing bankruptcy or if I was using a lawyer. At the time it was purely information I sought.
I even spoke to my boss who spoke to someone who works at a bank to see what my options were. A possible debt consolidation. Which after viewing my debt I was informed that, "People do recover from bankruptcy". This was from the loan manager who was proceeding over my application.
At this point I was still not sure what I should do and continued researching.
Then due to a multitude of personal and financial reasons. The day I paid the creditor the last payment for one loan. I ended up applying for another one from the same creditor. This was 2 weeks before hand on 12/7/18. I have 3 children and now a loss of $1,000 a month. Which based on the first payment date I believed would some what be replaced with my spouses temporary disability income at or around the same time. Of course I found out how naive I was and that I should have done more research before making any decisions.
Forward to 12/13/18 my husband informs me that he does not qualify for any temporary disability programs. I was not educated in the length of time, it apparently takes to get the financial assistance you need when disabled. The process could take 5 to 6 months. On top of that, my husband has not earned enough points according the the SSA. which means $0 help. I didnt know this before I took the loan. I thought that it was something that may take a month.
Knowing this on 12/14/2018, I began filing for bankruptcy pro se. I can't afford an attorney. And, I can't pay them later. Without my spouses income if the creditor currently seeking payment through the court system wins and my wages are garnished I will not be able to afford my rent or any other bills.
Now to the point. After much more reading, I realize how bad this looks to not only the creditor but also the trustee presiding over my case.
The thing is I have the intent to pay it and did not get it knowing at the time I would be filing bankruptcy. I plan to make my payment as well when it comes due. Do I need to be concerned with possible fraud or misrepresentation of intent to repay as agreed?
I just don't want the case discharged or to get in trouble when I'm trying to get a fresh start for my family before I lose everything.
And, yes when I filed I DID read the time frame of getting new debt that can put me in this situation when filing bankruptcy. But at the time of getting the loan I DID NOT. And, when he told me he couldn't get financial assistance, I felt like I had no choice.
What can I do to help myself now prepare for a possible dispute regarding the loan?
Any advice is welcome and please do not scrutinize me. Trust me I'm fully aware of the mess that is my life right now. I feel incredibly undereducated financially.
Ashely, Central Illinois
Prior to my decision to actually file the petition.
My husband had a seizure totaled his car, is unable to drive and work for 6 months (11/28/18). Same week (12/2/18). I recieved a summons regarding a trial against me from a collection agency that purchased my debt from the original creditor (scheduled for 12/17/18).
I've never been to court before and had no idea how to help myself and I am representing myself because I'm broke. I looked for options to resolve the court issue.
During my search for help and options. I looked into every option but I was only seeking advice. Many sources advised me to take a credit counseling class to get advice and view my options. I registered on 12/2/18. And took the course on 12/4/2018. It was extremely insightful regarding my income and expenses. And, options for me right now.
I even spoke to a lawyer briefly regarding what bankruptcy entails on 12/3/2018. I was quoted $2,000 and had to agree to an account to get the advice. I never signed the agreement and I told the lawyer I was not sure if I was filing bankruptcy or if I was using a lawyer. At the time it was purely information I sought.
I even spoke to my boss who spoke to someone who works at a bank to see what my options were. A possible debt consolidation. Which after viewing my debt I was informed that, "People do recover from bankruptcy". This was from the loan manager who was proceeding over my application.
At this point I was still not sure what I should do and continued researching.
Then due to a multitude of personal and financial reasons. The day I paid the creditor the last payment for one loan. I ended up applying for another one from the same creditor. This was 2 weeks before hand on 12/7/18. I have 3 children and now a loss of $1,000 a month. Which based on the first payment date I believed would some what be replaced with my spouses temporary disability income at or around the same time. Of course I found out how naive I was and that I should have done more research before making any decisions.
Forward to 12/13/18 my husband informs me that he does not qualify for any temporary disability programs. I was not educated in the length of time, it apparently takes to get the financial assistance you need when disabled. The process could take 5 to 6 months. On top of that, my husband has not earned enough points according the the SSA. which means $0 help. I didnt know this before I took the loan. I thought that it was something that may take a month.
Knowing this on 12/14/2018, I began filing for bankruptcy pro se. I can't afford an attorney. And, I can't pay them later. Without my spouses income if the creditor currently seeking payment through the court system wins and my wages are garnished I will not be able to afford my rent or any other bills.
Now to the point. After much more reading, I realize how bad this looks to not only the creditor but also the trustee presiding over my case.
The thing is I have the intent to pay it and did not get it knowing at the time I would be filing bankruptcy. I plan to make my payment as well when it comes due. Do I need to be concerned with possible fraud or misrepresentation of intent to repay as agreed?
I just don't want the case discharged or to get in trouble when I'm trying to get a fresh start for my family before I lose everything.
And, yes when I filed I DID read the time frame of getting new debt that can put me in this situation when filing bankruptcy. But at the time of getting the loan I DID NOT. And, when he told me he couldn't get financial assistance, I felt like I had no choice.
What can I do to help myself now prepare for a possible dispute regarding the loan?
Any advice is welcome and please do not scrutinize me. Trust me I'm fully aware of the mess that is my life right now. I feel incredibly undereducated financially.
Ashely, Central Illinois