Dad never showed up today...i called them this morning and told them about her condition..
im working on the limited civil appeal and OSC forms to get them filed today, if not by monday....there is already a mediation appt....
Things have changed for me since Dec 1, im changing jobs, i cannot afford to keep my vehicle, which makes it so i cant meet half way like the judge wants.. and i believe the father and i can come to a better agreement... I think he needs his time with her, i need my time with her, and We need time with her together as well.
My kids are my priority.. My whole house is sick right now. The ER was a mess last night...i guess i left too soon before getting all the paperwork...i dont know...i dont visit the ER often enough... The dr came in, examined her, asked me questions, i told him her symptoms, he asked if anyone else is sick, i said other child...he said its H1N1 and to keep her away from others for about 2-3 weeks and follow up with her primary care doctor...he gave her some tylenol and said they'd be in with the paperwork and my medical cards. I got my copy of the consent form for insurance/treatment and medical cards and left...they didnt say if there was anything further.