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Child abuse charge question...

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Just Blue

Senior Member
Yeah, that's a good idea. Would they keep me confidential? I don't want to get my name tangled up in all of this. I just want those kids to be safe and for her to finally be punished for her actions. Perjury and Child Endangerment are pretty serious crimes, are there different levels that would make them misdemeanors or felonies? What do you think she would be facing?
there are different levels ...but I don't know how they charge...Hopefully she will come to her senes and none of this will be needed...but from what you have said I really doubt...sad for the kids...

Well, it's all pretty much said and done now. Her husband was arrested this morning and she, more or less, confessed to knowing he put the bruises on her son and did nothing about it. I'm trying to research Tennessee laws and statutes for child abuse and endangerment, but I'm having a tough time. If ya'll know of any websites that could give me some info, I'd appreciate it. Thanks for all of the advice.


Senior Member
Well, it's all pretty much said and done now. Her husband was arrested this morning and she, more or less, confessed to knowing he put the bruises on her son and did nothing about it. I'm trying to research Tennessee laws and statutes for child abuse and endangerment, but I'm having a tough time. If ya'll know of any websites that could give me some info, I'd appreciate it. Thanks for all of the advice.



start here
I have an update and another question.

My SIL's a-hole husband did get convicted of child abuse, but was let go on probation and he has to attend some sort of classes.

Let me go back to add a few more facts to the story. At the time of all this happening, SIL and her husband had gotten into an argument one night and he threw something at her that hit her in the head and left a huge bump and bruise. She left him and went to stay at her mother's. She took pictures of the mark and filed charges against him. A few days later, she dropped the charges and went back to him. :rolleyes:

Not too long after is when CPS started investigating and he was arrested. She moved back in with her mother while he was in prison and moved back in with him after he got out. She's been moving her baby all this time with her, as well.

Fast forward to the end of May, she got into another argument with him and moved out, yet again (with the baby), this time to her dad's house. A few weeks later, she moves BACK in with him again (with the baby).

We just found out yesterday that CPS was called on her. Someone (we don't know who) reported her and said that she mistreated her daughter, throwing her around when she got angry and that the baby was underfed. CPS came out to her apartment (where she's living with her husband) and investigated and reported everything to be fine.

I'm just wanting to know why the hell CPS is allowing her to be living with a convicted child abuser with her BABY! It makes me sick to even think about it. She's knowingly putting her child at risk to be abused. Is that not considered serious?

I'm back again...unfortunately...:(

After moving in and out of her husband's home 3 or 4 more times, my SIL finally left him a couple of months after my last post on this thread. Shortly after, she found out she was pregnant (sigh), but miscarried a few weeks later. She left him but never divorced him because she said she couldn't afford it.

Since then, she's been moving around to different friends houses (with her little girl, that turned one in September '07). Every now and then, she'd stay at my MIL's, but never for long. She's had many different boyfriends between then and now and my husband just found out the other day that she's pregnant again...

THIS guy was already in a relationship. After my SIL told him she was pregnant, he told her that he wasn't leaving his GF, that he wanted nothing to do with the baby and that he doesn't even want his GF to know...:rolleyes:

Isn't it true that whenever you're married, if a baby is born during that marriage, the husband is automatically legally the father, even if not biologically? Is she going to need to disestablish paternity with her husband and then establish paternity with this new guy? She's wanting to know how big of a mess it's going to be after the baby is born to get everything straightened out and file for CS. *I* told her to give the baby up for adoption, but I know she won't do it. :rolleyes: It's sick how she keeps bringing children into this world that she can't take care of...:(

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