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Child Support - In writing!!

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Senior Member
Hi! I am an evil step mom (and Mommy-lol) who's husbands order is in Ma. and I write the check every month too...only because I am in charge of the check book in our house, so I pay all the bills.

As far as dealing with step mom goes, you already know what it is like and what you want by being one yourself already. You know you don't have to deal with her directly at all, if she gets to "personal". I know I will never go out for coffee with my husbands ex, and my husband doesn't expect to either. but I would at least like to be able to have the occasional civil conversation with her to discuss plans with the kids, or thier latest interests and clothing styles, or just be able to sit by her during a soccer game. She is not very friendly, but I continue to treat her the way I WANT to be treated.

Well it looks like you have done all the math at the calculator website and 'know" what you could get.

I think definately if you can come to an agreement on what should be paid you should do that. I know my husband and his ex in the past, have deviated from the guidelines, both more and less, and because they were BOTH agreeable, the judge signed off on the support agreement. so in your case I don't think you should have a rough time getting what you want legal once yo ucome to an agreement. I think you should have all agreements be legal before the court. Once you are out of court, you can deviate a bit as it suits either of you, but it is nice to know if there is a time when you don't get along, you have legal protection.

you don't mention concerns with custody, visitations or insurance issues. But it might be nice to spell those out too, not that you ever have to go by them, but they are nice to fall back on if like I said, the future gets not so bright.

I am not sure of Ma. stand on primary school education. I do know my husbands decree says both parents are to help out in any way within thier means with all schooling decisions up to college, meaning if she did want private elementary, we wouldn't be obligated by law to help unless we were able. in your case though it might be possible as she already goes to private? something to consider in your agreement for sure....


Senior Member
Oh, okay, I can't help but ask this question. You mentioned that his soon to be wife also has a child....has she perhaps alienated that child's biological father? Just curious, that's all....


Senior Member
kat1963 said:
Oh, okay, I can't help but ask this question. You mentioned that his soon to be wife also has a child....has she perhaps alienated that child's biological father? Just curious, that's all....
you know respect goes BOTH ways...it si not really any of the posters business what the relationship is with the fiance's childs father...

Honestly as a mom and a step mom, I see nothing wrong with my knowing that my husbands support is exactly what it si supposed to be, and as we have a child of our own, it is important we address all the kids needs as they come up. when the ex calls my husband, after he talks to her, he talks to me, then he makes his decision and calls her. OUR marriage comes FIRST. that is the way it should be, then the kids needs on an individual basis as they come up. i just don't see anything TOO evil and controling YET. understanding the finances and being fair is very important in a marriage. And understanding changes goes ABOTH ways the EX wife also needs to deal with the fact that things DON"T stay the same forever. It is as it should be....

EDITED TO ADD: I just hate to see a simple legal question which was answered. turn into a women -mother bashing for no reason...
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Senior Member
Excuse me? If the step mom has alienated the biofather of her own child, the poster COULD expect that she (step mom) will probably try to pull the same damn crap w/the child’s father as well. It's active alienation, and it is not limited to one's own children. BEEN THERE, PLAYED THAT GAME, (with our biotroll being the alienator of her husbands children (he never sees his own kids EVER and now with her & DH’s children who she alienated from DH…and I quote “Isn’t it nice that now IDIOT and I can have our own children together” WTF? So therefore, yes I do know it well. It could possibly be that new step mom not only wants to control the entire relationship between father & daughter (as is already happening!), but would like nothing more then to rid her new little cozy family (herself, HER child and new husband) of any excess outside “baggage”. I don't care if a woman is a biological parent, or a step parent or just a fleeting figure, SOME woman can be truly neurotic and possessive. They could care less about compassion, about compromise or about anyone’s feelings but their own insecurities and self satisfaction. I was only asking a simple question in which it might be possible to establish a pattern, if one exists...forewarned is after all forearmed....gezzzz Haiku, did I say anything at all about making joint decisions or being a team? Give me a break!!! Just because things run normally in your household doesn't mean there are step parents in the world who don't need a whole can of whoopass opened up on them.


Senior Member
can of whoopass...

Umm no things don't run normally in my house, my husbands ex is a manipulative jerk who can't let go of control she feels she needs and has a right to have over my husband still. We just choose not to play into her game.

I have no need to open a can of whoopass on her because quite frankly, we have better things to do like raise our kids. And concentrate on a healthy marriage, ultimately for thier benefit to. That was my point about being a team. bickering back and forth with an ex is pointless. Living well is the best revenge.

whether the posters ex's fiance is an alienator or not has NO bearing on the fact that it ultimately is up to her EX to alienate the child. blaming it all on his wife is ridiculous, I know I didnt marry my very own puppet, and who would want to?

I see just as much unhealthy attitude in the posters original statement -not verbatim-"my daughter is no longer number one woman in his life" that is not a healthy attitude either. life goes on, and things don't stay the same. And yes I do believe marriage first, kids second.

I just don't see the relavance in going on about what a possible jerk the fiance is, when legally the moms question was answered.


Senior Member
I got lost somewhere in this thread; if you find me, help me find my way, please! and, don't try and scare me with your 'I'm an evil stepmom, too'--I just don't believe it!


Ok .. I am completely lost here.
First ... and you can call it irony but his fiance's daughter doesn't have a relationship with her father. Quite frankly, that isn't my problem. (Although I sympathize with the little girl .. she's a doll)
Although I must admit that I felt the same way as ellencee pointed out.
Back to the point ... I've got it all mapped out and my laywer is making the document. I was very sure that he maintains covering her health insurance, (I cover Dental .. it just happened that way) and a bunch of other little things.
I will always try to keep a civil relationship with both of the women on both sides. My husbands ex ... (my contact with her is minimal anyway cause she only "baby sits" her own daughter once a week AND my daughter's future step mother. For the same reasons mentioned above. She buys her cloths and wants to know what size usually fits best, etc.
Finally, anyone can have part in having a baby. It is a CHOICE to be a good parent. If my daughter's father's fiance ex is "alianated" from his own daughter, I can't help but think ... unless she was hiding out ... really good ... that he would find a way to see her. That is HIS choice and whether it is provoke by the finace or not ... doesn't matter to me. Imagine not ever seeing your own child???? Yikes!


Senior Member
Yes Ellencee, the posts sure have a way off drifting WAY off target lately. LOL Hold my hand after my first post in the thread! I will lead you out of this mess I made! And that evil stuff? its just an act...really....once I have my capachino I am a sweetheart.....

I apologize to Kelly, our our original poster for going off on a tangent like that. I hope you know that I agree with your thoughts especially in your last post. ( the point I was really trying to make, though sometimes the typing keys don't keep up with my brain.)


Senior Member
Thank you for saving me from that awful place. I was so lost and confused and I don't think I ever knew where I was and I'm so glad to be outta there!


Kelly -
Try this link http://www.divorcenet.com/ma/ma.html
It may answer your questions as far as MA law. Have you considered going through mediation rather then court? Something you could discuss with your ex.
I am also a step mom, and have noticed with my husbands ex it seems to be more of a territorial issue. She feels like I'm moving in on her life, taking her daughter away so to speak; and her place in my husbands life,though they haven't been together in 11 years, and she's married!!
As far as visitation, nothing has changed, in fact since I've entered the picture "D" has wanted to come more frequently. What did change however, was the ex's ability to manipulate my husband. Prior to the "other" woman (me) my husband would jump through hoops for his ex, just so he wouldn't have to listen to her B##ch. He said it was easier. I say let her.
He works 6 12 hr nights shifts a week, and she'd call at 10:00am saying "D" missed the bus can u bring her to school? No. She has a car, and we're an hour away, why call us? School pictures, we pay half, we expect to get half the photos. Didn't happen. So she gets nothing, and we do our own. It's ok to call her step-dad "Dad" but she diciplined "D" when she found out she was calling me "mom"- there's something wrong with that. Whenever "D" does something the ex doesn't like she threatens to send her to live with us. We had her for two months recently because the ex couldn't deal with her, and she makes it a point to call us "Punishment." Which is wrong and I told her so. To my face she agrees, and denys ever saying it. To others she laughs about it. I am beyond frustrated, and am trying to handle it as an adult, but it's hurting "D" making her feel unwanted by her mother, here I am defending the woman, and she's calling me every name in the book to "D". I just don't understand women like her.
Best of luck to you kelly.

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