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Child Support Modification

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Senior Member
Tell ya' what. Why don't you consider what would happen to your support payments if your ex decided to stay home or make 8.00 per hour. Shezzz. You aren't contributing anything financially towards your daughters support yet you sit there & whine that he's not paying enough. If it's not enough, get a job. EARN the money that your family needs to survive now that YOU made the CHOICE to stay at home and your husband made a CHOICE to change careers. Or did you expect a nice fat support modification to float your entire family? Heck, the amount you getting in child support almost as much in TAX FREE dollars per month as your husband is bringing home!!!! Tell me it's ALL going towards the one child & you aren't having the rest of your family live off it as well..... And really, I don't see how the hell you are living if he makes 8.00 an hour & pays 800 a month in health care costs. Even without taxes being taken out that leaves 120 a week TOTAL for everything, mtg. payment, gas, food...for how many people? So then tell us how you are contributing 50% of the financial responsibility for this child since there is NO WAY either you OR your husband can afford to do so.
It's CHILD support damnit not something for your entire family to live off of. IF you can't financially support the child perhaps it's time she went to live with the parent who obviously can.


Senior Member
Sounds as though what you are CHOOSING to do is partially use their child support as if it were renamed alimony, if you are depending solely on child support to cover your basic expenses.


kat1963 said:
Tell ya' what. Why don't you consider what would happen to your support payments if your ex decided to stay home or make 8.00 per hour. Shezzz. You aren't contributing anything financially towards your daughters support yet you sit there & whine that he's not paying enough. If it's not enough, get a job. EARN the money that your family needs to survive now that YOU made the CHOICE to stay at home and your husband made a CHOICE to change careers. Or did you expect a nice fat support modification to float your entire family? Heck, the amount you getting in child support almost as much in TAX FREE dollars per month as your husband is bringing home!!!! Tell me it's ALL going towards the one child & you aren't having the rest of your family live off it as well..... And really, I don't see how the hell you are living if he makes 8.00 an hour & pays 800 a month in health care costs. Even without taxes being taken out that leaves 120 a week TOTAL for everything, mtg. payment, gas, food...for how many people? So then tell us how you are contributing 50% of the financial responsibility for this child since there is NO WAY either you OR your husband can afford to do so.
It's CHILD support damnit not something for your entire family to live off of. IF you can't financially support the child perhaps it's time she went to live with the parent who obviously can.
Hey Kat tell you what-stick it! You don't know jack about me or my situation. I did work for the first four years of her life and my husband made well enough to support all of us quite well. I haven't had to work for seven years. I am there when she wakes up, when she gets home and I am able to be there in her classroom and for her at school. My husbad made some investments and saved a lot of money for us to live on and his making $8.00 is temporary while he is in school. He gets overtime as he works in some weeks 72 hours and others 48. So with the overtime he almost makes as much clear as he did before. Just nothing for savings, 401K, stocks and that-but yes that was his choice. I still don't need to work as I have a younger son as well that I am here for in order for my husband to work, go to school and have clinical time. You have no clue what we have in savings and contribute. How else is she able to be in sports, band, have the things for school etc. It comes from me as well. We have to pay $800 for insurance through COBRA coverage and luckily he is reimbursed for $400 of that.

My ex isn't making much more than $8.00 as he is showing a 45K net loss in his business for 2003. And for her to live with him-HA! He has only seen her a handful of times in her entire life. He doesn't even call her. We are more than contributing to her support-her college is paid for and she is in 5th grade. So don't tell me I don't contribute. You have no idea. Get off your high horse.

You can't tell me these wealthy men that pay for their children don't have their ex wives whining about not having enough money. I didn't make the 20% law the government did. I am now whining and am asking for a modification which is what she is entitled to have every three years. About 8 years too late.


nextwife said:
Sounds as though what you are CHOOSING to do is partially use their child support as if it were renamed alimony, if you are depending solely on child support to cover your basic expenses.
It's not like that at all. I deposit the support in our joint account and write out checks for what she needs. Oh and by the way we were never married so alimony wouldn't apply here. He wanted me to have an abortion.


Senior Member
sure its been 10 years since you have had your child support looked into, and yes everyone is entitled legally to a review, but you know what?

you get 760 EVERY month, on time and in full.

he pays health ins. every month, you CHOOSE not to use.

For someone so evil, he takes care of his obligation as far as most of us can see.

there are people here with 1000+ a month orders who have NEVER seen a dime. It looks real good on paper.....


Let's see now. Your husband got canned from his cushy job making six-figures so he chooses to change careers rather than attempting to find another job. O.K. so now he makes $8 an hour driving around in an ambulance while learning and yet your child, who is ONLY in the 5th grade, already has her college paid for.

Seems to me there have been a lot of decisions made in your life that are not biting you in the ass and the ex is a convenient escape hatch.

Oh, and your comment about all the rich guys out there who bitch about paying the 20% is just as ludicrous as you believe Kat's statements are.

I'm one of those rich guys who pays more than $5,000 a month child support, a new home and auto for the ex, college fund for the girls both fully funded at $150,000 AND have time to have a relationship with my daughters.

Oh, one last thing lady. My daughers still get an allowance of ONLY $5 a week AFTER they clean their room, walk feed and clean up after the dog, do laundry and homework. And for each extra activity they want to participate in guess who must earn the money? Yep, you got it. They do.

Daddy may be rich, but he's not a money machine.

Get the hint.


Meursault said:
Let's see now. Your husband got canned from his cushy job making six-figures so he chooses to change careers rather than attempting to find another job. O.K. so now he makes $8 an hour driving around in an ambulance while learning and yet your child, who is ONLY in the 5th grade, already has her college paid for.

Seems to me there have been a lot of decisions made in your life that are not biting you in the ass and the ex is a convenient escape hatch.

Oh, and your comment about all the rich guys out there who bitch about paying the 20% is just as ludicrous as you believe Kat's statements are.

I'm one of those rich guys who pays more than $5,000 a month child support, a new home and auto for the ex, college fund for the girls both fully funded at $150,000 AND have time to have a relationship with my daughters.

Oh, one last thing lady. My daughers still get an allowance of ONLY $5 a week AFTER they clean their room, walk feed and clean up after the dog, do laundry and homework. And for each extra activity they want to participate in guess who must earn the money? Yep, you got it. They do.

Daddy may be rich, but he's not a money machine.

Get the hint.

No he's not a money machine and I didn't think he was. I am just asking for a modification that's all. And if it went down then I would live with that too. Good for you the you have a relationship with your daughters-they are the better for it I'm sure. My situation seems that he doesn't need to see her as he pays for her. Why not both is what I wonder? My daughter and son both get allowances of $5 each so they are not spoiled at all with that. I don't just hand them money. They earn things as well. But I will not have them earn money to play in the band or for things they need for school. They are still children. By paying for the college ahead of time I felt that was in her best interest to use money for that and if nothing else that is done. We are fine. As far as my husband goes, he had done nothing but provide for her as his own child. He is working overtime and taking classes for a job promotion. So he isn't slacking there. And yes he attempted to find another job they just aren't that easy to come by.


haiku said:
sure its been 10 years since you have had your child support looked into, and yes everyone is entitled legally to a review, but you know what?

you get 760 EVERY month, on time and in full.

he pays health ins. every month, you CHOOSE not to use.

For someone so evil, he takes care of his obligation as far as most of us can see.

there are people here with 1000+ a month orders who have NEVER seen a dime. It looks real good on paper.....

Never said he was evil-just not as caring as I wish he was. For her sake, she wonders why he doesn't call or see her. I have never mentioned one negative thing about him. I didn't not choose to use the insurance-I just got the card Friday. Didn't think I would have to have a court order to get it. Yes 1000+ on paper isn't worth crap is it? For that I am grateful that I don't have to fight for it. The state handles that for me.


And yet it all goes back to the point of you waiting for 11 years to file for a modification and because you waited he can now use his latest tax return, which is the focus of your problem.

If you file now then that's what you'll be facing. And nothing we can say here, or you can say, will change that. Those are his rights as it's your right to file for the modification.

Now it's just a matter of who gets to the finish line first.


Meursault said:
And yet it all goes back to the point of you waiting for 11 years to file for a modification and because you waited he can now use his latest tax return, which is the focus of your problem.

If you file now then that's what you'll be facing. And nothing we can say here, or you can say, will change that. Those are his rights as it's your right to file for the modification.

Now it's just a matter of who gets to the finish line first.

I didn't wait 11 years, I waited 8 but that is beside the point. He stalled when I filed for modification, knowing what his current status was. But now they are asking him for three years of W2's to get an average. The attorney will also ask for him to alternate the tax deduction as well. And maybe drop his coverage on her and pay us for 1/2 of the insurance we pay for her. SO the race is on!


Senior Member
VeronicaGia said:
If he is court ordered to carry the insurance, then he is complying with the court order. If you want to get this changed so that YOU are court ordered to carry the insurance, then try to do so. Until then, he has every right.

You also say he is now ordered to pay $190/week in child support. That is a lot of money! $760/month? And then you say he "isn't paying the bulk of what she needs and uses"? You are also required to support the child. He is not required to pay "the bulk" both of you are responsible for the financial support of the child. If you still cannot support the child with his $760 a month, plus your portion, maybe you need to figure out what you're wasting so much money on, and realize that child support is to cover the basic needs of the child, not the childs wants, not $200 shoes, etc.

Realize that his child support is $9880 a year, plus the insurance you mention above which is $8,000 a year, that's $17,880 a year! Some entire families live on less than that.[/QUOTE

What is the purpose of your response? What does it matter how much was awarded as child support? What does it matter that some families live on less? They are not this family.

How is this poster wasting money?

Your response to her was a personal opinion, NEW's FLASH!!!!!!!! It all comes down to the same.

800 bucks a month or 3 bucks a month......Same thing. She has as much right to the legal system as anyone else.
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Junior Member
"The need for a custodial parent to contribute to the financial support of a child must be carefully balanced against the need for the parent's full time presence in the home."

That is a direct quote from Illinois child support laws.

To me, I take it as the state agrees that a child is much better off if the custodial parent is able to stay at home with the child. Shame on those who try to make one feel guilty for being a stay at home parent.


Senior Member
iluvdalejr said:
"The need for a custodial parent to contribute to the financial support of a child must be carefully balanced against the need for the parent's full time presence in the home."

That is a direct quote from Illinois child support laws.

To me, I take it as the state agrees that a child is much better off if the custodial parent is able to stay at home with the child. Shame on those who try to make one feel guilty for being a stay at home parent.
no ones making her feel guilty... and this woman does get substantial support, whether she will get MORE support, no one can say...one thing missed is she stays home primarily with a YOUNGER child, that her ex should NOT be responsible for.... She and her current husband seem to depend on the child suppport currently to take care of ALL thier needs. We are forgetting as she complains about having to carry the cost of the childs ins. she is paying also for her own child with her new husband, and herself and new husband, a cost that the ex should not be carrying...etc..

I am a SAHM, my husband is NCP, pays child support for his other children, but I don't expect his support to go down so I can stay home with a child that does not belong to his ex. If my husband could not swing supporting both households I would have to get a JOB. Same here, if her husband cannot support her stay at home lifestyle, with HIS child and her child from another marriage, why should the EX have to contribute MORE financially, yes they may be due for an adjustment, but thats not the only place they should be looking, because they may or may not get it.

...her legal questions were answered..... (ask for an average and yes he CAN deduct his ins. costs as the cost of doing business, and though she can ask to become primary ins. carrier, he will only be obligated to reimburse a a QUARTER of the cost)
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Since we do not know the complete story....what is wrong with... if a father is making more money he should pay more child support?


haiku said:
no ones making her feel guilty... and this woman does get substantial support, whether she will get MORE support, no one can say...one thing missed is she stays home primarily with a YOUNGER child, that her ex should NOT be responsible for.... She and her current husband seem to depend on the child suppport currently to take care of ALL thier needs. We are forgetting as she complains about having to carry the cost of the childs ins. she is paying also for her own child with her new husband, and herself and new husband, a cost that the ex should not be carrying...etc..

I am a SAHM, my husband is NCP, pays child support for his other children, but I don't expect his support to go down so I can stay home with a child that does not belong to his ex. If my husband could not swing supporting both households I would have to get a JOB. Same here, if her husband cannot support her stay at home lifestyle, with HIS child and her child from another marriage, why should the EX have to contribute MORE financially, yes they may be due for an adjustment, but thats not the only place they should be looking, because they may or may not get it.

...her legal questions were answered..... (ask for an average and yes he CAN deduct his ins. costs as the cost of doing business, and though she can ask to become primary ins. carrier, he will only be obligated to reimburse a a QUARTER of the cost)

My younger child is in third grade-so I do not stay home with him. I did at one point but he is in school full time. We AGAIN do not depend on the CS for our support as it does go to her basic needs. I have no lifestyle that needs to be maintained-$190 a week sure isn't going to maintain much. Some of you act like it's a million bucks. All my needs are taken care of before the support check is deposited. I used to save it all in her savings account. Until we paid for her college education ahead of time with it. I also am not complaining about the insurance costs either-man you are reading way too much into all this. I have covered her all along and never complained but it makes no sense for both of us to cover her. That is my complaint. I depend on him for nothing. What I do get is extra and used like I said for her education payments. As far as my son benefitting from my daughter's child support-yes he may have. Nothing wrong with that-we are one family.

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