Indeed I have no physical proof that could convince someone it was the cleaning guy. My accusation is simply based on personal logic. Here is my logic:
-I have braces so I cannot, and have stricly refrained from chewing gum for the last 4 years.
-I KNOW gum did not exist in my room. (i have a lock on my door at all times, even when im not in the room it is locked and i am the only one with the key -very private person-) This prooves that gum could never have been brought into my room by another family member. (ive never had a friend over in my room either)
-When i opened the laptop the gum was still "chewy" and soft, indicating it had been placed there recently. So logically even if SOMEHOW i accidentally got gum on it a while ago, surely it would not have still been soft and gummy.
-I had used the laptop the night prior.
that is my logic of how i KNOW it was him, of course there is nothing concrete that i could SHOW to someone, its simply logical to me.
so acmb if i cant proove it to the company they wont pay for any of the damages?