What is the name of your state? pa
this was what Experion reported for this debt...
Status: bank of america
Account charged off/Past due 150 days. $4,871 written off. $4,355 past due as of Nov 2001.
Account closed at credit grantor's request.
** credit reports show no other instituition picking up this debt, only the Bank of America
record, posted above...
So where did the Hecker [and other NJ] firm get my info to make the "claim" they own the debt now - do they even own it or are they scamming me here? Can these people get info from our credit reports and manipulate the info to get people to think that a debt that was written off is now in their hands? It doesn't indicate anyone other than BOA on the current credit report, now or ever.
this was what Experion reported for this debt...
Status: bank of america
Account charged off/Past due 150 days. $4,871 written off. $4,355 past due as of Nov 2001.
Account closed at credit grantor's request.
** credit reports show no other instituition picking up this debt, only the Bank of America
record, posted above...
So where did the Hecker [and other NJ] firm get my info to make the "claim" they own the debt now - do they even own it or are they scamming me here? Can these people get info from our credit reports and manipulate the info to get people to think that a debt that was written off is now in their hands? It doesn't indicate anyone other than BOA on the current credit report, now or ever.