One time, in college...
I was really upset and I started screaming at some of the non-student drug dealers who congregate in an area close to the campus.
Not proud, but I was livid at these crack peddlers.
I was screaming loud. They walked away. I think they were actually scared.
Then I started tearing the flower bushes out of the concrete vehicle barriers / planters and throwing them into the street.
Then, barehanded I ripped juniper bushes out of the median and chucked them out into the street hitting a circulator / shuttle bus.
Nearly exhausted I walked home.
Easily 100 people witnessed this and at least 2 security cameras could have recorded it.
NOTHING happened as a result of this.
You punched a window? Just banged it and basically made a loud sound? Charges?
Do you go to some really strict Xtian school or something?
I don't get this. Sorry your school is so 'tight'.