Sorry. A did not c your ? being serious. Let me try again.
Law office of:
Curly, Moe and Larry represent: me in Case 1
Curly becomes separate from: Moe and Larry, who now are
"not a partnership"
Law office of:
Curly, atty for party opposing: me in Case 2
Does it present Curly as -
* former counsel acting in support of my interests,
and, having assumed a position as -
* current counsel acting in opposition of my interests,
to be acting with conflict of interest?
In addum to 'em:
Expate Motion for Order of Continuance to Appeal, Order for Reasonable Access, Declaration in Support, Declaration, Order - denied, "w/o prejudice" 12/12/00
The clerk of the court, however, provided a copy of the clerk's record which was especially nice, given that the one time I was led to assume reasonable access to retrieve my own records, it turned out being to allow a loaded gun to be held at my son's head.
Noting an additional post from California w/same scenerio, I'm given to conclude California's Civil Code of Procedure, particular to Mobile Home Residency Law, serves less purpose and meaning than Dr. Seuse's "Green Eggs and Ham."
Aside the particulars of my own current demise, how does one go about effecting change to the handling, application of law and fair treatment in matters like this because, currently, California's approach pretty much sucks.
[Edited by s_hill1 on 12-13-2000 at 11:02 AM]