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Junior Member
What is the name of your state?alabama

I am in middle of having divorce papers drawed up .my ex to be wants 50/50 joint custody he said he would not sighn papers if not 50/50. well they only put down joint custody with me being the primary and standard visitations.he's a truck driver and on road alot ... am just needing info on this 50/50 cause am not familiar with this 50/50 custody ..


Senior Member
50/50 gives each Parent more legal rights and remedies, then if one just had Custody and the other visitations.

Under 50/50 any Major decisions regarding the children would/should be approved by both parents.

Also under Joint 50/50 it would be easier to Petition and be granted a change in Physical Custody should significant issues arise.

Also , If it's State Law and/or specified in the Court Orders that neither Parent remove the Children from a specified Location ( usually State ) with out written permission from the other Parent or Court , the Offending Parent can be charged both Criminally and Civilly .


Junior Member
ok i also looked it up on web and what i need to know also is by info it says child support could drop but am tryingto figure out is if my ex to be is on road 5 to 6 days a week if he would even win that if he took it to court cause he said he wont sign unless it is 50/50.but it states 50/50 is also equal shred time with kids but hes gone all the time.


Senior Member
well they only put down joint custody with me being the primary and standard visitations.he's a truck driver and on road alot ..
Who made the papers out ?

It sounds to me he wants to make his money and keep it too.

If his work requires him to be on the road most of the time, I don't see where he thinks he has any leverage over you into agreeing to his terms for support.

You should request CS.


Junior Member
my lawyer did but its as joint custody i being the primary.but that's just it hes saying he wont sign them if not 50/50 yet i thought was not feasable due to his work schedule.he has gotten everything he has asked for to be put on papers then he comes up with this 50/50 today .he gets the car motorcycle, the 3k bedroomsuite the only (thing in house of real nice value).child support is agreed upon as 1000 under the joint custody he is nice enough to let us stay in rental hes paying all bills but phone but now hes decided that when lease isup hes not renewing it :S


Junior Member
that last post was meant in a way not saying he has to pay for our rent but askin him to supply more than just enough for food money so i can save to get us apt.
Joint custody

Joint custody does not mean that physical custody is necessarily divided equally …
Joint custody means both parents have equal input in major decisions affecting their children….

Taken from...
Benefits of Joint Custody
Statistics, Analyses, Data, And Anecdotal
Evidence In Support Of Joint Custody Statutes


Senior Member
SisterSavior said:
yea joint is that but he wants 50/50 no other way
Tell me if I'm misunderstanding this .

1) He will agree to $1,000.00 per month child support.
2 ) He will let you reside rent free for 1 yr. ( or when the lease is up ) in the house with the children.
3 ) He agrees to Joint Custody w/ Standard visitations ,you having physical Custody.

Now all of the sudden he wants 50/50 physical Custody ? ?

If that is what he is asking NOW is 50/50 physical Custody ( not standard visitations ), it may that he will try to use that to not have to pay any support. How could he take care of the kids 50 percent of the time due to his work .

If is not what he's asking I don't understand it either.

Does he have a Lawyer ?

If so, let your lawyers discuss it .

I wouldn't agree to 50/50 physical though . Someone else would end up watching you kids while he's on the road .


Junior Member
your right on the dot yup he agrees to the 1000 and the lease is up in 2 months :S still trying to figure out how i am gonna swing that cause i just got job due to me having been on maternuty leave to take care of baby and my income is not great so he said hell take kids and give them a place to stay(his mothers)( but i could go live uin a cardboardbox for all he cares) :mad: my money is tied or dec having to pay legal fees and the car i have never seen he had bought me for 600 dollars :confused: now i have to get insurance tags registration etc :( they have 50 thousand golf courses here where i live but not one freakin emergency housing place

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