What is the name of your state? CA
I know how all of you feel about going to court Pro Se, however, considering your vast legal knowledge, can you offer any suggestions on how to make the most of going in Pro Se for contempt for a CP's violation of a visitation court order? I do know what forms to file and how to fill them out. My husband has done it previously, but wound up making an agreement with the CP, which she is still not following. I've heard on other posts that a police report isn't enough proof that CP violated the order? Even the minor child (16 years of age) keeps telling CP that this is his weekend with NCP and that he wants to go with NCP, however CP yells at him, took his phone away telling him he's not allowed to call his dad and will not even tell him where she's stealing him away to this weekend. I called the court last week when the minor child told NCP that his mother was planning to pull something this weekend, and the court said to come in on contempt as soon as we receive the police report. But will they do anything this time? CP threatens to do disobey on almost every holiday, but will usually give in and let the child go with NCP after he's phoned the police in front of her home (before they actually show up) after torturing the child and our family with her threats of not letting us have the child for visitation 2-3 weeks before each holiday, thus placing undue distress on everyone. She turns our home upside down every holiday because of this. She tells the child to get in his room and yells at NCP through her front door that he's a "moron", etc., where the child can hear. What exactly do you call that type of behavior on a legal form? Emotional abuse?
I know I'll probably get pounded here, but I'd appreciate your opinions. NCP had an attorney a few years ago but just couldn't afford it any longer. I will be happy to elaborate on anything if asked.
I know how all of you feel about going to court Pro Se, however, considering your vast legal knowledge, can you offer any suggestions on how to make the most of going in Pro Se for contempt for a CP's violation of a visitation court order? I do know what forms to file and how to fill them out. My husband has done it previously, but wound up making an agreement with the CP, which she is still not following. I've heard on other posts that a police report isn't enough proof that CP violated the order? Even the minor child (16 years of age) keeps telling CP that this is his weekend with NCP and that he wants to go with NCP, however CP yells at him, took his phone away telling him he's not allowed to call his dad and will not even tell him where she's stealing him away to this weekend. I called the court last week when the minor child told NCP that his mother was planning to pull something this weekend, and the court said to come in on contempt as soon as we receive the police report. But will they do anything this time? CP threatens to do disobey on almost every holiday, but will usually give in and let the child go with NCP after he's phoned the police in front of her home (before they actually show up) after torturing the child and our family with her threats of not letting us have the child for visitation 2-3 weeks before each holiday, thus placing undue distress on everyone. She turns our home upside down every holiday because of this. She tells the child to get in his room and yells at NCP through her front door that he's a "moron", etc., where the child can hear. What exactly do you call that type of behavior on a legal form? Emotional abuse?
I know I'll probably get pounded here, but I'd appreciate your opinions. NCP had an attorney a few years ago but just couldn't afford it any longer. I will be happy to elaborate on anything if asked.