Taxing Matters
Overtaxed Member
The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) protects the right of employees to work together to better their wages and working conditions. The most common way that is done is by unionizing. But other activities fall under that protection too. Employees sharing wage information is one way to work together to deal with wage issues with the employer. Some employers had fired or otherwise taken adverse action against employees for asking other employees about salary information and under the NLRA that can amount to illegal retaliation for a protected activity. Note that it is the element of concerted action among employees that brings it under the NLRA.I found this on the EEOC website on retaliation. According to EEOC:
- asking managers or co-workers about salary information to uncover potentially discriminatory wages.
Whats your take on this?
I'm not seeing here where you were trying to get wage information about other employees to compare what everyone was making to attack wage issues in the company.
The fact that the employer never paid you what you say was promised is a potential breach of contract issue, but the exact details of the promise matter a lot, as well as what evidence you have to prove what the terms of the deal was.