If and when the sheriff comes to my home to levy any personal property other than my van which is on my name alone, and other than my own pants and shirts, and few other items which belongs to me alone (except these two items, I have nothing else belong to me alone), I and my wife will inform him that the property is either TBE or belongs to my wife. If and when the sheriff levy any TBE items or the items belong to my wife alone, I and my wife will quickly file an inventory and affidavit describing those items and file a motion to the court to return those TBE items and the personal items of my wife alone (and will send a copy of that motion/affidavit to sheriff and to the creditor also), in the same way it is described for 222.061(1)
http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0200-0299/0222/Sections/0222.061.html although there is no process or timelines explained on how to handle the levied TBE items or the items belong to a non-judgment life partner of the debtor.
For personal property purely belongs to me (such as my van and my pants and shirts), I will quickly file a motion/affidavit as explained in 222.061(1) to release them as I have the right to keep up to $1000 worth of personal property (other than vehicle) and another $1000 for the vehicle.
This is what a friend told me.
Please help me if you have any advice or else I will try my luck elsewhere.
(Stepahn: can not is true).