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Debt collectors attorney refuses to respond

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Senior Member
Why this had to erupt into this, I don't know, as rather than willingly answering questions truthfully and unbiased they just started placing blame. I know that the debt is mine and never argued it, I was just asking what I could do within the law or what to expect to come from this given the circumstances of my income.
As was said twice:
Now, the proper way to get them to talk with you is to file an answer or to respond to the charge appropriately.
The time for the story of how hard things are is past or future. Past, when getting the phone calls and letters you didn't want to deal with because they didn't....well, they didn't something you wanted...and you declined. Future, after you have a judgment against you, in the debtors conference when they try to see if you have assets or income to satisfy the judgment.

A radio show has a host of Dennis Prager and one of the things he says (It probably comes from somewhere else.) is, "The only people I know with no problems are people I don't know that well." Clearly, you don't know me that well. The key is, now what?

My theory is to play hard, to play fair, and to have fun. Each day I try to make something better and to work, each day I try to follow an external source philosophy which allows me to measure my ethical behavior against a standard and each day I try to remember attitude is everything. If the attitude is that you are sick and can't do things and poor me, then you ARE sick and can't do thing and poor you. But, if you believe that you're good enough, smart enough and, gosh darn it, people like you--funny how often that works out to be true.

No one can control what you believe. Lots of powerful books on this. See also, Viktor Frankl. When you ask legal advice and continue to tell a personal story about how hard things are, I feel you'd rather a buddy to talk with to feel better rather than get a specific answer to the question. Until you hang up the story and work on the relevant legal facts, you will find this issue will stay over your head. Handle this or don't, it means nothing to me.

However, I think it means everything to you. (And, when I say everything, I'm not just talking about this debt.)

Prosperina, of course I know how clinical trials work. That is what I am involved in right now, and that is the reason for my high costs. Granted, the companies may assist some, but when you have to travel a long distance for each appointment it is very expensive. Plus having to have an implant in my skull is not alot of fun, at times very painful, and when I say painful I mean like having the skin peeled off of your scalp pain.

I got involved in a pivotal phase clinical trial as a last hope, as the epileptologists have no other thoughts, and these are the specialists from the Level 4 centers, there is no doctor more specialized

The time for the story of how hard things are is past or future. Past, when getting the phone calls and letters you didn't want to deal with because they didn't....well, they didn't something you wanted...and you declined. Future, after you have a judgment against you, in the debtors conference when they try to see if you have assets or income to satisfy the judgment.

A radio show has a host of Dennis Prager and one of the things he says (It probably comes from somewhere else.) is, "The only people I know with no problems are people I don't know that well." Clearly, you don't know me that well. The key is, now what?

My theory is to play hard, to play fair, and to have fun. Each day I try to make something better and to work, each day I try to follow an external source philosophy which allows me to measure my ethical behavior against a standard and each day I try to remember attitude is everything. If the attitude is that you are sick and can't do things and poor me, then you ARE sick and can't do thing and poor you. But, if you believe that you're good enough, smart enough and, gosh darn it, people like you--funny how often that works out to be true.

No one can control what you believe. Lots of powerful books on this. See also, Viktor Frankl. When you ask legal advice and continue to tell a personal story about how hard things are, I feel you'd rather a buddy to talk with to feel better rather than get a specific answer to the question. Until you hang up the story and work on the relevant legal facts, you will find this issue will stay over your head. Handle this or don't, it means nothing to me.

However, I think it means everything to you. (And, when I say everything, I'm not just talking about this debt.)
Actually, I don't live my life focused on my problems, this conversation just got turned into that. I do what I can to enjoy my life and to help others. Since I am not able to work, I am involved in a fraternal organization that basically spends most of our time trying to help each other and other people. We do alot of fundraisers, have opened pediatric hospitals and homes for the elderly. It is something I enjoy to do, plus knowing I have the chance to make someone else's life better makes me feel better.

I don't sit around pitying myself all of the time, but just like anybody else, there are times when I am at a loss of what to do, and for some that can be extremely depressing.

It doesn't stop me from doing all I can to enjoy my life, but in the first place, all I was asking for was a little advice, that could have been done in a calm manner rather than trying to throw all the blame on me and basically saying I'm a screw up, I know what has happened may have been able to have been able to be handled differently, but that was then and this is now.

Besides, I can add another example showing I am not trying to avoid debt, another collector called today, I explained that I am trying to work out everything and asked if they could send me a statement so that I can keep it with everything else I am trying to track. They had no problem with it. The point is some debt collectors are willing to work with you while others try to force every dime out of you even if it involves breaking the law.


Senior Member
I hear you and recognize the despair is situational. The problem is, we are our habits. The more down you feel, even situationally, the more down you are as a baseline.

As to the rest, it seem like you are playing hard. Now (I think) you need to play fair and have fun. Find an external source to measure yourself against. Failure is expected if you use my external guide (Bible), but I'm sure there are many out there to choose from. Maybe a good poem. But, whatever it is, it should help guide your interactions with others and give purpose to life.

For trying to have fun, I remember my now passed wife. They gave her medicine which made her fat so they could give her poison that would almost kill her. They took away her hair and ability to enjoy eating then chopped off her breasts, drilled holes in her head and then shot in radiation which caused headaches and nausea. After they fired her from her job while she was out on disability, she built a boat for Halloween. Why?

Attitude is everything.

She had a hard life growing up and she still wanted to grab every piece she could. Her example changed my life. You have anyone around who's life needs changing?
True, when things get you down, it can make it seem like everything is wrong,

I did find some info inregards to the laws, they are hard to find as it is something that was added to other rulings

The Crash* (Title used without permission of JK Ballard) | epilepsy.com

Racial Integrity Act of 1924 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The one about the racial integrity act is the one that made it leagal to sterilize epileptics, anyways, I better run for now, my seizure meds are kicking in and I can't see straightm good evening to all01111111111111111111111111111
Well, I did some further checking into things, and contact Kansas Legal Services, turns out that I am "Judgment Proof", not meaning I can't be sued, but even after judgment has been issued if I am still in the situation I am in after 7 years it is past KS statutes. Most collection agencies do not pursue these debts unless they are scrounging by buying them at low cost from other collectors. Not that I want to do that, but that is the info I found after speaking with my brother who has been working for a collection agency for 5 years and speaking with KS legal services.

What I am supposed to do now since I admitted to the debt it was not default judgment, I am supposed to send my letter from Social Security showing my income and if I had any assets to send a list of them and their value to the court clerk certified.

Legal Services will also be advising me further with all of the debt collectors since I had an issue with one today making threats, this was a different company and I had already worked out that they would send my debt in writing and would call me back. A different person called, I happened to be looking at a list of FDCPA, after the call contacted a supervisor there, they pulled the call, apologized and have put a hold on collections so that I am the one that contacts them for 2 weeks.

Sorry bout my former posting being a mess, my evening med they just started me on is ativan, knocks me out


Senior Member
Once you have a plan, you have power. Continue to work the plan. If there is nothing they can do to you, then there is nothing they can do.

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