Here are the key facts: I live in IL, We divorced in 2000, I was awarded the house And reside in it. He has not contributed to mortgage since 2000 & signed quit claim deed years ago. I never refinanced in my own name because I struggled Financially after our divorce and a refi would mean a higher interest rate and restart the process of paying more interest than principle each month. He is listed as the principle borrower, i am the co-borrower. Mortgage is not delinquent and matures in 15 yrs.
I let my mortgage company know my ex passed away last month and asked about getting his name off the loan. They said I have to refinance because they do not do loan assumptions. Now that they know my ex passed away will they force me to refi by accelerating the loan or do they not care as long as the payments are on time? Is a refi my only option? Are there any laws in IL that allow me to assume the loan in my name?
I let my mortgage company know my ex passed away last month and asked about getting his name off the loan. They said I have to refinance because they do not do loan assumptions. Now that they know my ex passed away will they force me to refi by accelerating the loan or do they not care as long as the payments are on time? Is a refi my only option? Are there any laws in IL that allow me to assume the loan in my name?